1 |  |  A woman has stretch marks on her abdomen, yet she states that she has never been pregnant. Is this possible? |
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2 |  |  The skin of infants is more easily penetrated and injured by abrasion than that of adults. Based on this fact, which stratum of the epidermis is probably much thinner in infants than that in adults? |
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3 |  |  Melanocytes are found primarily in the stratum basale of the epidermis. In reference to their function, why does this location make sense? |
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4 |  |  The rate of water loss from the skin of the hand was measured. Following the measurement, the hand was soaked in alcohol for 15 minutes. After all the alcohol was removed from the hand, the rate of water loss was again measured. Compared with the rate of water loss before soaking the hand in alcohol, what difference, if any, would you expect in the rate of water loss after soaking the hand in alcohol? |
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5 |  |  It has been several weeks since Goodboy Player has competed in a tennis match. After the match he discovers that a blister has formed beneath an old callus on his foot, and the callus has fallen off.When he examines the callus he discovers that it appears yellow. Can you explain why? |
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6 |  |  Harry Fastfeet, a white man, jogs on a cold day. What color would you expect his skin to be (a) just before starting to run, (b) during the run, and (c) 5 minutes after the run? |
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7 |  |  Why are your eyelashes not a foot long? Your fingernails? |
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8 |  |  Pulling on hair can be quite painful, yet cutting hair is not painful. Explain. |
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9 |  |  Given what you know about the cause of acne, propose some ways to prevent or treat the disorder. |
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10 |  |  A patient has an ingrown toenail, a condition in which the nail grows into the nail fold. Would cutting the nail away from the nail fold permanently correct this condition? Why or why not? |
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11 |  |  Consider the following statement: Dark-skinned children are more susceptible to rickets (insufficient calcium in the bones) than fairskinned children. Defend or refute this statement. |
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