1 |  |  A patient has an infection in the nasal cavity. Name seven adjacent structures to which the infection could spread. |
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2 |  |  A patient is unconscious. Radiographic films reveal that the superior articular process of the atlas has been fractured. Which of the following could have produced this condition: falling on the top of the head or being hit in the jaw with an uppercut? Explain. |
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3 |  |  If the vertebral column is forcefully rotated, what part of the vertebra is most likely to be damaged? In what area of the vertebral column is such damage most likely? |
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4 |  |  An asymmetric weakness of the back muscles can produce which of the following: scoliosis, kyphosis, or lordosis? Which could result from pregnancy? Explain. |
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5 |  |  What might be the consequences of a broken forearm involving both the ulna and radius when the ulna and radius fuse to each other during repair of the fracture? |
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6 |  |  Suppose you need to compare the length of one lower limb to the other in an individual. Using bony landmarks, suggest an easy way to accomplish the measurements. |
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7 |  |  A paraplegic individual develops decubitus ulcers (pressure sores) on the buttocks from sitting in a wheelchair for extended periods. Name the bony protuberance responsible. |
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8 |  |  Why are women knock-kneed more often than men? |
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9 |  |  On the basis of bone structure of the lower limb, explain why it’s easier to turn the foot medially (sole of the foot facing toward the midline of the body) than laterally. Why is it easier to cock the wrist medially than laterally? |
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10 |  |  Justin Time leaped from his hotel room to avoid burning to death in a fire. If he landed on his heels, what bone was he likely to fracture? Unfortunately for Justin, a 240 lb fire fighter, Hefty Stomper, ran by and stepped heavily on the proximal part of Justin's foot (not the toes). What bones could now be broken? |
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