Table of Contents
General Controls
Establishment of Beneficial Organisms
Ladybugs (Family Coccinellidae)
Lacewings (Families Chrysopidae and Hemerobiidae)
Praying Mantis (Family Mantidae)
Trichogramma Wasps (Family Trichogrammatidae)
Ichneumon Wasps (Family Ichneumonidae)
Tachinid Flies (Family Tachinidae)
Mites (Phytoseiidae and Others)
Mosquito Fish (Gambusia affinis)
Use of Pathogenic Bacteria
Establishment of Toads and Frogs
Use of Beneficial Nematodes
Use of Limonoid Sprays
Use of Liquefied Pest Sprays
Use of Resistant Varieties
Interplanting with Plants That Produce Natural Insecticides or
Substances Offensive to Pests
Specific Controls
Table 1: Specific Weeds and the Agents Involved in Their Biological Control
InsectsTable 2: Specific Biological Controls for Several Types of Insect Pests
Companion Planting
Table 3: Companion Plants
Some Sources of Herb Plants and Seeds
Additional Reading on Biological ControlsIf you were to ask the average farmer or backyard gardener how to control a
particular insect or plant pest, you might be given the name of some poisonous
spray or bait that has proved "effective" in the past. However, evidence that
spraying with such substances yields only temporary results has been mounting
for many years, and the spraying is frequently followed by even larger invasions
of pests. Also, the residues of poisonous sprays often accumulate in the soil
and disrupt the microscopic living flora and fauna essential to the soil's health.
The problem is compounded and the ecology further upset when large amounts of
inorganic fertilizers are added. As increasing numbers of people become aware
of the devastating effects on the environment of pesticides and herbicides,
they have been turning to biological controls as an alternative to the use of
poisonous sprays. To the surprise of some, such controls are often more effective
than traditional controls. Poisonous sprays often promote pest invasions because the sprays usually kill
beneficial insects along with the undesirable ones. In addition, the pests,
through mutations, often become resistant to the sprays. In undisturbed natural
areas, weeds are never a problem, and even though pests may be present, they
seldom destroy the community. Why is this so? You may recall from your reading
that all members of a community are in ecological balance with one another.
The plants produce a variety of substances that may either repel or attract
insects, inhibit or promote the growth of other plants, and generally contribute
to the health of the community as a whole. Virtually all insects have their own pests and diseases, as do most other living
organisms. Each pest ensures, at least indirectly, that the various species
of a community are perpetuated. This principle of nature can be applied, to
a certain extent, to farming and gardening. Following are some general and specific
biological controls that are currently either in widespread use or undergoing
testing and showing promise for the future. GENERAL CONTROLS
Establishment of Beneficial Organisms Ladybugs (Family Coccinellidae) The small and often colorful beetles called ladybugs, particularly their larval
stages, consume large numbers of aphids, thrips, insect eggs, weevils, and other
pests. They are obtainable from various commercial sources (e.g., Planet Natural,
P.O. Box 3146, Bozeman, MT 59772 (1-800-289-6656 or;
Nature's Way Organics, P.O. Box 228, Rimrock, AZ 86335 (1-800-493-1885). However,
if given a chance, ladybugs will probably establish themselves without being
imported. When obtained from outside the local area, they should be placed in
groups at the bases of plants on which pests are present, preferably in the
early evening after watering. Lacewings (Families Chrysopidae and Hemerobiidae) Lacewings are slow-flying, delicate-winged insects that consume large numbers
of aphids, mealybugs, and other pests. They lay their eggs on the undersides
of leaves, each egg being borne at the tip of a slender stalk. The larvae consume
the immature stages of leafhoppers, bollworms, caterpillar eggs, mites, scale
insects, thrips, aphids, and other destructive pests. Commercial sources include:
Nature's Way Organics, P.O. Box 228, Rimrock, AZ 86335 (1-800-493-1885); All
Pest Control, 6030 Grenville Lane, Lansing, MI 48910. Praying Mantis (Family Mantidae) About 20 species of praying mantis are now established in the United States.
These are voracious feeders that prey somewhat indiscriminately on flying insects,
and sometimes even on other mantises. They can be established by tying their
egg cases to tree branches or other locations above the ground. The egg cases,
which form compact masses about 2.5 to 5.0 centimeters (1 to 2 inches) long,
are obtainable from various commercial sources, including: Peaceful Valley Farm
Supply, P. O. Box 2209, Grass Valley, CA 95945; Planet Natural, P.O Box 3146,
Bozeman, MT 59772 (1-800-289-6656 or Trichogramma Wasps (Family Trichogrammatidae) Trichogramma wasps are minute insects, usually less than 1 millimeter
(1/25 inch) long; they parasitize insect eggs and are known to have significantly
reduced populations of well over 100 different insect pests, including alfalfa
caterpillars, armyworms, cabbage loopers, cutworms, hornworms, tent caterpillars,
and the larvae of many species of moths. As with other insects used as biological
controls, trichogramma wasps should not be released unless there are pest eggs
in the vicinity, since the wasps may otherwise parasitize the eggs of beneficial
butterflies and other useful insects. They are available from commercial sources
such as: Unique Insect Control, P.O. Box 15376, Sacramento, CA 95851; New Earth,
4422 East Hwy. 44, Shepherdsville, KY 40165. Ichneumon Wasps (Family Ichneumonidae) The ichneumon wasps belong to a very large family of wasps that are mostly
stingless. These tiny wasps tend to be slender and have long ovipositors that
are sometimes longer than the body. Most insects are parasitized by at least
one species of ichneumon; many species parasitize the larval stages of insects,
consuming the host internally after hatching from eggs deposited on the body;
alternatively, they may complete development in a later stage. Ichneumons usually
appear naturally in a backyard or farm population of pests if toxic sprays and
other unnatural conditions have not interfered with their normal activities. Tachinid Flies (Family Tachinidae) Many members of the large family of tachinid flies resemble houseflies or bumblebees.
All parasitize other insects, including a large variety of caterpillars, Japanese
beetles, European earwigs, grasshoppers, gypsy moths, tomato worms, sawflies,
and various beetles. Contact Mad Planter Beneficials at 1-800-548-8199 for further
information. Mites (Phytoseiidae and Others Species of several genera of mites prey on red spider mites and have been used
successfully to control other mites and scale insects. Mosquito Fish (Gambusia affinis) Mosquito fish have been added to bodies of fresh water all over the world to
control mosquitoes. The fish feed on mosquito larvae, particularly as the larvae
rise to the surface for air. One mosquito fish can consume thousands of larvae
per day. Use of Pathogenic Bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) is one of several pathogenic bacteria registered
for use on edible plants in the United States. It reproduces only in the digestive
tracts of caterpillars and is harmless to humans and all other wildlife, including
earthworms, birds, and mammals. It is exceptionally effective against a wide
range of caterpillars, such as tomato hornworms and fruitworms, cabbage worms
and loopers, grape leaf rollers, corn borers, cutworms, fall webworms, and tent
caterpillars. It is mass-produced and sold in a powdered spore form at nurseries
and garden supply stores under the trade names of Dipel, Biotrol, and Thuricide.
The powder is mixed with water and applied as a spray. Beneficial bacteria are
available from Solutions Unlimited, Sharon Springs, NY 13459. Establishment of Toads and Frogs It has been estimated that a single adult toad consumes about 10,000 insects
and slugs in one growing season. Toads and frogs feed at night when snails,
slugs, sowbugs, earwigs, and other common pests are active. Use of Beneficial Nematodes Several species of nematodes, which are abundant microscopic roundworms, are
notorious for damaging economically important crops when they invade plant roots
and other underground organs. Most species, however, are either harmless or
beneficial to plants. They have been used successfully in parasitizing cabbage
worm caterpillars and codling moth larvae, Japanese beetle grubs, and tobacco
budworms. They have shown considerable potential against other pests as well.
One species that has been particularly effective in controlling ants, beetles,
bugs, flies, wasps, and many other insects is the caterpillar nematode (Neoaplectana
carpocapsae). It carries a symbiotic bacterium (Xenorhabdus nematophilus),
which multiplies rapidly in the host, killing most insects within 24 hours after
initial contact. It may be obtained from Nematode Farm, Inc., 2617 San Pablo
Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94702. Use of Limonoid Sprays Limonoids are bitter substances found in the rinds, seeds, and juices of citrus
fruits (especially grapefruit). After grinding up the rinds and seeds of two
or three fruits, soaking this substance overnight in a pint of water, and then
straining out the solid material, the resulting liquid may be sprayed on plants.
The bitter principle apparently stops or reduces the feeding of larvae on the
foliage. In experiments, limonoid sprays have proved effective against corn
earworm, fall armyworm, tobacco budworm, and pink bollworm, but undoubtedly
will deter many other pests as well. Use of Liquefied Pest Sprays Jeff Cox, an editor of Rodale'sOrganic Gardening, called attention
to this method of pest control in the magazine in October 1976 and again in
May 1977. Insect pests or slugs are gathered in small quantities and liquefied
with a little water in a blender. The material is then further diluted with
water and sprayed throughout the infested area. It is not known why spraying
with "bug juice" is effective against pests. However, it is known that virtually
all organisms harbor viruses. Thus, it has been theorized that even the inactive
viruses carried by healthy insects and slugs may somehow be activated in the
process of liquefaction. The viruses would be spread throughout an entire yard
or farm if all parts of the area were sprayed. Most viruses are highly specific,
generally attacking a single species of organism. M. Sipe, a Florida entomologist
who recommended the "bug juice" technique, also suggested that the odor of the
liquefied insects possibly attracts their predators and parasites or that the
insects' distress pheromones (naturally produced insect chemicals that influence
sexual or other behavior) are released by the blender, with the pheromones acting
as an insect repellent. Possibly the observed effects of spraying "bug juice"
are the result of a combination of viruses, predator attraction, and repellent
pheromones. Sipe warns that a person who tries this method of pest control should
take care to use only pest species and only those that are doing significant
damage. Failure to heed this warning could disrupt the activities of the natural
predators and other natural controls present. This approach needs extended testing
and investigation of its safety for use by humans, but test results over the
past twenty years in various areas of North America have yielded impressive
results with no evidence of harm to either humans or beneficial organisms. Use of Resistant Varieties Many plants may kill or inhibit disease fungi or bacteria with chemicals known
as phytoalexins. Phytoalexins are synthesized at the point of attack or invasion
by the pathogen and are toxic to the fungus or bacterium. In selecting for improved
fruit quality, vigor of growth, or other desirable characteristics, horticulturists
in the past have sometimes unknowingly bred out a plant's capacity to produce
certain phytoalexins, although general vigor is usually accompanied by disease
resistance. Now that this aspect of a plant's defense mechanisms is known, breeders
are concentrating on developing varieties capable of producing phytoalexins
against various fungi, bacteria, and even nematodes. Several tomato varieties,
for example, are listed as being VFN. The letters V and F indicate a resistance
toVerticilliumandFusarium (common pathogenic fungi), while
the letter N denotes a resistance to root-knot nematodes. Other aspects of plant disease resistance include thick cuticles; the secretion
of gums, resins, and other metabolic products that may interfere with fungal
and bacterial spore germination; and the presence within all the plant’s cells
of chemical compounds toxic to pathogens. Interplanting with Plants That Produce Natural Insecticides or Substances Offensive
to Pests Many plant species produce substances that repel a significant number of pests,
but none produce anything that repels all pests. Among the best-known plant
producers of insect repellents are marigolds, garlic, and members of the Mint
Family, such as pennyroyal, peppermint, basil, and lavender. An expanded discussion
of this subject is given inUseful Plants and Poisonous Plants. SPECIFIC CONTROLS Weeds In 1974, the Weed Science Society of America published a special committee
report (Weed Science 22:490-95) on the biological control of weeds, summarizing
the status of projects on the biological control of weeds with insects and plant
pathogens in the United States and Canada.Table 1 is condensed from
that report and supplemented with additional information. Many other biological
controls for these and other weeds are currently under investigation. Insects The maintenance of ecological balance in nature includes a vast array of predator-prey
relationships between animals, birds, insects, and other organisms. Specific
biological controls for several types of insect pests, in addition to the general
controls previously discussed, are given inTable 2 COMPANION PLANTING TheAdditional Reading on Biological Controls list reveals that the
literature on the chemical interactions between plants and also between plants
and their consumers is already extensive. However, despite the scientific evidence
on the subject to date, a significant amount of the "backyard biological control"
that is practiced today is based primarily on empirical information. Such information
has been obtained from thousands of gardeners and farmers who have tried various
techniques with their plantings and pest controls. As a result, they have come
to conclusions that certain things work while others do not, but they have not
deliberately set up controlled experiments, nor have they necessarily understood
the scientific basis for what they have observed. This does not mean that their
observations are not useful or that they are invalid. In fact, such empirical
observations have often been the inspiration for investigations and experiments
by scientists. Although the scientific investigations have sometimes revealed
that the empirical observations were biased or not carefully made or that erroneous
conclusions were drawn, sound scientific bases for these observations have frequently
been uncovered. Further insights into how plants inhibit or enhance the growth
of others and the nature of their resistance to disease or insect-repelling
mechanisms continue to be discovered. Observations of such phenomena in the past have led organic gardeners and others
to practice companion planting, which involves the interplanting of various
crops and certain other plants in such a way that each species derives some
benefit from the arrangement.Table 3 is a list of combinations of vegetables,
herbs, flowers, and weeds that are mutually beneficial according to empirical
information, primarily from current reports of organic gardeners and companion
planting traditions. This list appeared in the February 1977 issue ofOrganic
Gardening and Farming magazine and is included here with the permission
of Rodale Press, Inc. SOME SOURCES OF HERB PLANTS AND SEEDS - China Herb Co., 428 Soledad, Salinas, CA 93901
- Cottage Herbs, P.O. Box 100, Troy, ID 83871
- De Giorgi Co., 6011 N St., Omaha, NE 68117
- Fragrant Fields, Dongola, IL 62926
- Herbs-Liscious, 1702 S. Sixth St., Marshalltown, IA 50158
- Hsu's Ginseng Enterprises, P.O. Box 509, Wausau, WI 54402
- Jude Herbs, Box 56360, Huntington Station, NY 11746
- Otto Richter and Sons, Box 260, Goodwood, Ontario, LOC 1A0
- PG Nursery, R18, Box 470, Bedford, IN 47421
- Putney Nursery, Putney, VT 05346
- Rawlinson Garden Seed, 269 College Rd., Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 2P6
- Sanctuary Seeds, 2388 West Fourth Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V6K 1P1
- Sea Island Savory Herbs, 5920 Chisolm, John's Island, SC 29455
- Shoestring Seeds, P.O. Box 2261, Martinsville, VA 24113
- Story House Herb Farm, Route 7, Box 246, Murray, KY 42071
- Sunnybrook Farms Nursery, Box 6, Chesterland, OH 44026
- Sunshine Herbs and Flowers, Rt. 1, Box 234, Comer, GA 30629
- The Thyme Garden, 20546-0 Alsea Hwy., Alsea, OR 97324
- Thompson and Morgan, Inc., P.O. Box 1308, Jackson, NJ 08527
- Wildwood Herbal, P.O. Box 746, Albemarle, NC 28002
- Willhite Seed Company, Box 23, Poolville, TX 76076
ADDITIONAL READING ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROLS - Ananthakrishnan, T. N. 1998.Technology in biological control. Enfield,
NH: Science Pubs.
- Barboso, P. 1998.Conservation biological control. San Diego, CA: Academic
- Boyland and Kuykendall, eds. 1998.Plant-microbe interactions and biological
New York: Dekker, Marcel Press, Inc. - Carson, R. 1999.Silent spring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
- Cook, R. J., and K. F. Baker. 1983.Nature and practice of biological control
of plant pathogens.
St. Paul, MN: American Phytopathological Society. - Goeden, R. D., L. A. Andres, T. E. Freeman, P. Harris, R. L. Henry. 1981. Natural
and applied control of insects by protozoa.Annual Review of Entomology26:49-73.
- Hawkins, B. A., and H. V. Cornell, eds. 1999.Theoretical approaches to
biological control.
New York: Cambridge University Press. - Hoy, M., and G.L. Cunningham. 1983.Biological control of pests by mites: Proceedings of a conference.
Oakland, CA: Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of California. - Huffaker, C. B., and A. P. Gutierrez, eds. 1998.Ecological entomology,
2d ed.
New York: Wiley& Sons. - Jutsum, A. R., and R. F. S. Gordon, eds. 1989.Insect pheromones in plant
New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. - Pickett, C. H. 1998.Enhancing biological control: Habitat management to
promote natural enemies of agricultural pests.
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. - Rechcigl, J. E. 1999.Biological and biotechnological control of insect
pests. Los Angeles, CA: Lewis Publishing.
- Rice, E. L. 1984.Allelopathy,2d ed. San Diego, CA: Academic Press,
- Rice, E. L. 1995.Biological control of weeds and plant diseases: Advances
in applied allelopathy.
Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.
Specific Weeds and the Agents Involved in Their Biological ControlWeed | Agent(s) of Biological Control | Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) | Flea beetles (Agasicles hygrophila) | Bladder campion (Silene cucubalus) | Tortoise beetle (Cassida hemisphaerica) | Brazil peppertree (Schinus terebinthifolius) | Weevil (Bruchus atronotatus) and others | Brushweed (Cassia surattensis) | Imperfect fungus (Cephalosporium sp.) | Curly dock (Rumex crispus) | Rust (Uromyces rumicis) | Curse (Clidemia hirta) | Thrip (Liothrips urichi) and others | Cypress spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) | Sphinx moth (Hyles euphorbiae) | Dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica) | Leaf miner (Stagmatophora serratella) and others | Emex (Emex australis) | Seed weevils (Apion antiquum) and others | Gorse (Ulex europaeus) | Seed weevils (Apion ulicis) and others | Halogeton (Halogeton glomeratus) | Casebearer (Coleophora parthenica) and others | Hawaiian blackberry (Rubus penetrans) | Sawflies (Pamphilius sitkensis, Priophorus morio) and others | Jamaica feverplant (puncture vine; Tribulus terrestris) | Weevils (Microlarinus spp.) | Joint vetch (Aeschynomene virginica) | Imperfect fungus (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) | Klamath weed (Hypericum perforatum) | Leaf beetles (Chrysolina spp.); buprestid beetle (Agrilus hyperici) | Lantana (Lantana camara) | Seed weevil (Apion sp.); ghost moth (Hepialus sp.); plume moth (Platyptilia
pusillidactyla); hairstreaks (Strymon spp.); and others | Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) | Wood-boring beetle (Oberea sp.) and others | Mediterranean sage (Salvia aethiopis) | Snout beetles (Phrydiuchus spp.) | Milkweed vine (Morrenia odorata) | Oomycete fungus (Phytophthora citrophthora); rust (Aecidium asclepiadinum) | Prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) | Moth (Cactoblastis cactorum); cochineal insects (Dactylopius spp.); and
others | Puncture vine (see Jamaica feverplant) | Weevils (Microlarinus spp.) | Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) | Seed weevil (Apion fuscirostre) and others | Skeleton weed (Chondrilla juncea) | Gall mite (Aceria chondrillae); root moth (Bradyrrhoa gilveolella); rust
(Puccinia chondrillina); powdery mildews (Erysiphe cichoracearum, Leveillula
taurica) | Spiny emex (Emex spinosa) | Seed weevil (Apion antiquum) | Tansy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) | Seed fly (Hylemya seneciella); cinnabar moth (Tyria jacobaeae); leaf beetle
(Longitarsus jacobaeae) | Thistles:Bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare) | Weevil (Ceuthorrhynchidius horridus); tortoise beetle (Cassida rubiginosa) | Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) | Weevil (Ceutorhynchus litura); flea beetle (Altica carduorum); stem gall
fly (Urophora cardui) | Diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa) | Seed fly (Urophora affinis) | Italian thistle (Carduus pycnocephalus) | Flea beetles (Rhinocyllus conicus, Psylliodes chalcomera); weevil (Ceutorhynchus
trimaculatus) | Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) | Flea beetle (Rhinocyllus conicus) | Musk thistle (Carduus nutans) | Weevils (Ceutorhynchus trimaculatus, Ceuthorrhynchidius horridus, Rhinocyllus
conicus); flea beetle (Psylliodes chalcomera) | Perennial sow thistle (Sonchus arvensis) | Peacock fly (Tephritis dilacerata) | Plumeless thistle (Carduus acanthoides) | Tortoise beetle (Cassida rubiginosa); seed weevil (Rhinocyllus conicus);
weevil (Ceuthorrhynchidius horridus) | Russian thistle (Salsola kali var. tenuifolia) | Casebearer (Coleophora parthenica) and others | Slenderflower thistle (Carduus tenuiflorus) | Weevil (Ceutorhynchus trimaculatus) | Spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) | Seed fly (Urophora affinis) and others | Star thistle (Centaurea nigrescens) | Weevil (Ceuthorrhynchidius horridus) | Yellow star thistle (Centaurea solstitialis) | Seed fly (Urophora siruna-seva) |
Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) | Weevils (Neochetina bruchi; N. eichhorniae); moth (Sameodes albiguttalis) | Water purslane (Ludwigia palustris) | Snout beetle (Nanophyes sp.) |
Specific Biological Controls for Several Types of Insect PestsInsect | Control | Ants (about 8,000 spp. within the Superfamily Formicoidea) | Ants that carry aphids into trees and consume ripening fruits can be prevented
from getting farther than the trunk by applying a band of sticky material
around the trunk. A commercial preparation sold under the trade name of
Tanglefoot is particularly effective. A water suspension of ground hot peppers
(Capsicum spp.) used as a spray can act as an ant deterrent. Caution: Many
ants are beneficial to a balanced ecology; they should not be decimated
indiscriminately. | Grasshoppers (There are several families of grasshoppers, but the insects
that usually constitute the most serious pests are species of Melanoplus,
Family Acrididae.) | In 1980, the Environmental Protection Agency permitted private companies
to begin the mass culture of a protozoan, Nosema locustae, for use in controlling
rangeland grasshoppers. Tests have shown that properly timed applications
of spores mixed with wheat bran can reduce grasshopper populations by up
to 50%. | Gypsy moths (Porthetria dispar) | Parasitic wasps (Apanteles flavicoxis, A. indiensis) imported from India
lay their eggs in gypsy moth caterpillars and kill large numbers. | Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica) | he pathogenic bacterium Bacillus popillae, which is sold commercially,
is specific for Japanese beetle larvae. It causes what is known as "milky
spore disease in the grubs while they are still in the soil, and it is very
destructive. It is available from St. Gabriel Laboratories, 14540 John Marshall
Hwy., Gainesville, VA 20155 (1-800-801-0061 | Mealybugs (Pseudococcus spp.) | The small brown beetles called crypts (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri) effectively
control mealybugs in greenhouses and also outdoors on apple, pear, peach,
and citrus trees. Order from Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, Inc., P.O. Box 95,
Oak View, CA 93022. | Mosquitoes (Culex spp., Anopheles spp., and others) | The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis has proved to be
very effective in destroying mosquito larvae. A fungus (Lagenidium giganteum)
has also proved highly effective against mosquito larvae if the temperature
is above 20(C (68(F). The bacterium is available from several sources, including:
Abbott Laboratories, Dept. 95-M, 1400 Sheridan Rd., N. Chicago, IL 60064;
Sandoz, Inc., 480 Camino del Rio S., San Diego, CA 92108. | Red spider mites (Tetranychus telarius) | Predatory mites (Phytolesius persimilis, which works best when weather
is not hot, and Amblyseius californicus, which is more effective in hot
weather) effectively control populations of red spider mites. | White flies (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) | A minute wasp, Encarsia formosa, parasitizes white flies exclusively.
The wasps have been known to be very effective in greenhouses. They are
obtainable from: White Fly Control Co., Box 986, Milpitas, CA 95035; Rincon-Vitova
Insectaries, Inc., P.O. Box 95, Oak View, CA 93022. White flies are attracted
to the color yellow. Large numbers of white flies are trapped when a yellow
board is sprayed or painted with any sticky substance and placed in the
vicinity of the pests. |
Companion PlantsPlant | Companions and Effects | Asparagus | Tomatoes, parsley, basil | Basil | Tomatoes (improves growth and flavor); said to dislike rue; repels flies
and mosquitoes | Beans | Potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, cabbage, summer savory, most
other vegetables and herbs; around houseplants when set outside. | Beans (bush) | Sunflowers (beans like partial shade; sunflowers attract birds and bees),
cucumbers (combination of heavy and light feeders), potatoes, corn, celery,
summer savory | Beets | Onions, kohlrabi | Borage | Tomatoes (attracts bees, deters tomato worm, improves growth and flavor),
squash, strawberries | Cabbage Family | Potatoes, celery, dill, chamomile, sage, thyme, mint, pennyroyal, rosemary,
lavender, beets, onions; aromatic plants deter cabbage worms | Carrots | Peas, lettuce, chives, onions, leeks, rosemary, sage, tomatoes | Catnip | Plant in borders; protects against flea beetles | Celery | Leeks, tomatoes, bush beans, cauliflower, cabbage | Chamomile | Cabbage, onions | Chervil | Radishes (improves growth and flavor) | Chives | Carrots; plant around base of fruit trees to discourage insects from climbing
trunk | Corn | Potatoes, peas, beans, cucumbers, pumpkin, squash | Cucumbers | Beans, corn, peas, radishes, sunflowers | Dill | Cabbage (improves growth and health), carrots | Eggplant | Beans | Fennel | Most plants are supposed to dislike it. | Flax | Carrots, potatoes | Garlic | Roses and raspberries (deters Japanese beetle); with herbs to enhance
their production of essential oils; plant liberally throughout garden to
deter pests | Horseradish | Potatoes (deters potato beetles); around plum trees to discourage curculios | Lamb's quarters | Nutritious edible weed; allow to grow in modest amounts in the corn | Leek | Onions, celery, carrots | Lettuce | Carrots and radishes (lettuce, carrots, and radishes make a strong companion
team), strawberries, cucumbers | Lovage | Plant here and there in garden. | Marigolds | The workhorse of pest deterrents. Keeps soil free of nematodes; discourages
many insects. Plant freely throughout garden. | Marjoram | Plant here and there in garden. | Mint | Cabbage family, tomatoes; deters cabbage moth | Mole plant | Deters moles and mice if planted here and there throughout garden | Nasturtium | Tomatoes, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers; plant under fruit trees; deters
aphids and pests of cucurbits | Onion | Beets, strawberries, tomato, lettuce (protects against slugs), beans (protects
against ants), summer savory | Parsley | Tomato, asparagus | Peas | Squash (when squash follows peas up trellis); grows well with almost any
vegetable; adds nitrogen to the soil | Petunia | Protects beans; beneficial throughout garden | Pigweed | Brings nutrients to topsoil; beneficial growing with potatoes, onions,
and corn; keep well thinned | Potato | Horseradish, beans, corn, cabbage, marigold, limas, eggplant (as trap
crop for potato beetle) | Pot marigold | Helps tomato; plant throughout garden as deterrent to asparagus beetle,
tomato worm, and many other garden pests | Pumpkin | Corn | Radish | Peas, nasturtium, lettuce, cucumbers; a general aid in repelling insects | Rosemary | Carrots, beans, cabbage, sage; deters cabbage moth, bean beetles, and
carrot fly | Rue | Roses and raspberries; deters Japanese beetle; keep it away from basil | Sage | Rosemary, carrots, cabbage, peas, beans; deters some insects | Southernwood | Cabbage; plant here and there in garden | Soybeans | Grows with anything, helps everything | Spinach | Strawberries | Squash | Nasturtium, corn | Strawberries | Bush beans, spinach, borage, lettuce (as a border) | Summer savory | Beans, onions; deters bean beetles | Sunflower | Cucumbers | Tansy | Plant under fruit trees; deters pests of roses and raspberries; deters
flying insects, also Japanese beetles, striped cucumber beetles, squash
bugs, ants | Tarragon | Good throughout garden | Thyme | Plant here and there in garden; deters cabbage worm | Tomato | Chives, onion, parsley, asparagus, marigold, nasturtium, carrot, limas | Turnip | Peas | Valerian | Good anywhere in garden | Wormwood | As a border, keeps animals from garden | Yarrow | Plant along borders, near paths, near aromatic herbs; enhances essential
oil production of herbs |