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The Complete Technical Illustrator
Jon Duff, Arizona State University
Greg Maxson

Feature Summary

The Complete Technical Illustrator by Jon M. Duff and Greg Maxson presents a fresh approach to an important visual graphic technique. The text stresses that modern technical illustrators work in both 2D and 3D, using scale drawings, 3D data, photographs, sketches, and computer models to produce resolution-independent illustrations.

Using examples from engineering, architecture, science, product design, and forensics, this extensively illustrated full color text brings together 2D PostScript vector illustration methods with 3D modeling and visualization. Fundamental orthogonal, axonometric, and perspective techniques are covered in depth followed by step-by-step techniques in today's most popular software tools. Readers will be interested in the international case studies that describe current technical illustration problems and how they were solved by some of the most successful studios around the world. Each chapter is followed by an extensive bibliography of text and Internet resources for further study.

The accompanying CD-ROM contains progressive solutions to examples in the chapters. PostScript illustration examples, brushes, protractors, grids, and other tools are included to increase your productivity. Featured on the CD-ROM is AxonHelper, a FLASH program to simplify axonometric calculations and ellipse generation. Dr. Duff's suggested Web-based first course in technical illustration is included on the CD as an asset for teachers and students.