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Bay, Jennifer M. "Developing Number Sense on the Number Line." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (April 2001): 448-451.

Carraher, T.N. and A.D. Schliemann. "Using Money to Teach about the Decimal System." Arithmetic Teacher 36 (December 1988): 42-43.

Goldenberg, E. P. "A Mathematical Conversation with Fourth Graders." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (April 1991): 38-43.

Hiebert, J. "Research Report: Decimal Fractions." Arithmetic Teacher 34 (March 1987): 22-23.

Lester, F. "Teacher Education: Preparing Teachers to Teach Rational Numbers" Arithmetic Teacher 31 (February 1984): 54-56.

Malcom, P.S. "Understanding Rational Numbers" Mathematics Teacher 80 (October 1987): 518-521.

McBride, J. W., and C. E. Lamb. "Using Commercial Games to Design Teacher-Made Games for the Mathematics Classroom." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (January 1991): 14-22.

Ockenga, E. "Chalk Up Some Calculator Activities for Rational Numbers." Arithmetic Teacher 31(February 1984): 51-53.

Payne, J. "Curricular Issues: Teaching Rational Numbers" Arithmetic Teacher 31 (February 1984): 14-17.

Payne, J.N., and A.E. Towsley "Implications of NCTM's Standards for Teaching Fractions and Decimals."Arithmetic Teacher 37 (April 1990): 23-26.

Post, T., and K. Cramer. "Children's Strategies in Ordering Rational Numbers." Arithmetic Teacher 35 (October 1987): 33-35.

Post, T. "Fractions and Other Rational Numbers" Arithmetic Teacher 37 (September 1989): 3, 28.

Simms, A.J. "Repeating Decimals into Fractions: A Microwave Recipe." Mathematics Teacher 80 (January 1987): 61-62.

Sowder, J. "Place Value as the Key to Teaching Decimal Operations" Teaching Children Mathematics 3 (April 1997): 448-453.

Sullivan, P., and D. Clarke. "Catering to All Abilities Through `Good' Questions." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (October 1991): 14-18.

Thompson, C.S., and V. Walker. "Connecting Decimals and Other Mathematical Content" Teaching Children Mathematics 2 (April 1996): 496-502.

Wesson, J. B., and C. Lawhorn. "Standards in the Methods Class, an Example." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (September 1992): 38-39.

Zawojewski, J. "Initial Decimal Concepts: Are They Really So Easy?" Arithmetic Teacher 30 (March 1983): 52-56.

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