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Lobato, J. E. "Making Connections with Estimation." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (February 1993): 347-351.

Lyon, B. C. "Creating Magic Squares." Arithmetic Teacher38 (December 1990): 48-53.

Markovits, Z., R. Hershkowitz, and M. Bruckheimer. "Estimation, Qualitative Thinking, and Problem Solving."Mathematics Teacher 80 (September 1987): 461—464.

Moniuszko, L. K. "Reality Math."Arithmetic Teacher 39 (September 1991): 10-16.

Parker, J., and C. C. Widmer. "Teaching Mathematics with Technology: Computation and Estimation." Arithmetic Teacher 40(September 1992): 48-51.

Payne, J. "Curricular Issues: Teaching Rational Numbers" Arithmetic Teacher 31 (February 1984): 14-17.

Payne, J.N., and A.E. Towsley. "Implications of NCTM's Standards for Teaching Fractions and Decimals."Arithmetic Teacher 37 (April 1990): 23-26.

Reys, B.J. and R.E. Reys. "Implementing the Standards: Estimation - Direction from the Standards." Arithmetic Teacher 37 (March 1990): 22-25.

Schultz, J. E. "Area Models -- Spanning the Mathematics of Grades 3-9."Arithmetic Teacher 39 (October 1991): 42-46.

Williams, S.E. and J.V. Copely. "Promoting Classroom Dialogue: Using Calculators to Discover Patterns in Dividing Decimals" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 1 (April 1994): 72-75.

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