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Writing/Discussion Problems
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7.3 Concepts

Suppose two tests have the following results: test A has a total of 250 points, a mean of 190, and a standard deviation of 25; and test B has a total of 150 points, a mean of 115, and a standard deviation of 16. Describe at least two methods of comparing the test performance of a student who took test A to that of a student who took test B. State which of these methods you would prefer to use and explain why.

7.3 Concepts
The concept of sample is difficult for young students. Most of their data gathering is for full populations such as their own class.                NCTM Standards 2000, page 113
Random digits have many uses in sampling procedures. List some conditions you think might be necessary in order for a set of digits to be random. Devise at least two different methods of generating a set of random digits. Use one of your methods to generate 100 digits. Determine if this set satisfies your conditions for randomness and discuss the results.

7.3 Teaching
If simulations are used, teachers need to help students understand what the simulation data represent and how they relate to the problem situation . . .                NCTM Standards 2000, page 254
A company puts one of five different colored cards in its crackerjack boxes. Once the buyer obtains cards with all five colors, the cards can be turned in for a free box of crackerjacks. Suppose an elementary school class is interested in determining how many boxes would need to be purchased to obtain all five different colored cards. List a few questions to ask the students to help them think about a reasonable number of boxes that might need to be purchased and encourage their predictions. Describe a simulation the class could carry out to obtain some idea of: (1) the range of the numbers of boxes that might need to be purchased; and (2) how many boxes, on the average, they might expect to buy to obtain all five colors.

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