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Bohan, J.F. and J.L. Schultz "Revisiting and Extending the Hog Game" Mathematics Teacher 89 (December 1996): 728-733.

Brahier, Daniel. "Genetics as Context for the Study of Probability." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 5 (December 1999): 214-221.

Bright, G. "Probability Simulations" Arithmetic Teacher 36 (May 1989): 16-18.

Cook, M. "Ideas [Counting Activities]". Arithmetic Teacher 36 (September 1988): 31-36.

Dolan, D. "Making Connections in Mathematics." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (February 1991):


Edwards, Thomas G., and Sarah M. Hensien. "Using Probability Experiments to Foster Discourse." Teaching Children Mathematics 6 (April 2000): 524-524.

Fennell, F. "Ya Gotta Play to Win: A Probability and Statistics Unit for the Middle Grades" Arithmetic Teacher 31 (March 1983): 26-30.

Fennell, F. "Probability." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (December1990): 18-22.

Frykholm, Jeffrey A.. "Eenie Meenie, Minie Moe . . . Building on Intuitive Notations of Chance." Teaching Children Mathematics 8 (October 2001): 112-118.

Gnanadesikan, M., R. L. Scheaffer, and J. Swift. The Art and Techniques of Simulation. Quantitative Literacy Series, Palo Alto, CA: Dale Seymour Publications, 1987.

Jardine, Dick. "Math Roots: Looking at Probability through a Historical Lens." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (September 2000): 50-54.

Jones, G.A., C.W. Langrall and C. Thornton. "Using Data to Make Decisions about Chance." Teaching Children Mathematics 2 (February 1996): 346-350.

Jones, G.A., C.A. Thornton, C.W. Langroll and Tarr. "Understanding Students' Probabilistic Reasoning" Developing Mathematical Reasoning in Grades K-12. 1999 Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, edited by Lee V. Stiff and Frances R. Curcio, pp. 146-155. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1999.

Kanold, C. "Teaching Probability Theory Modeling Real Problems" Mathematics Teacher 85 (April 1994): 232-235.

Lappan, G., E. Phillips, W.M. Fitzgerald, and M.J. Winter "Area Models for Probability" Mathematics Teacher 80 (November 1987): 650-654.

Lappan, G., and M. Winter. "Probability Simulation in Middle School" Mathematics Teacher 73 (September 1980): 446-449.

Mako, E.H., M. Flaherty, J. McGivney, and R.J. McGivney. "Coin Tossing" Mathematics Teacher 89 (November 1996): 642-645.

Martin, H. M., and J. S. Zawojewski. "Dealing with Data and Chance: An Illustration from the Middle School Addendum to the Standards." Arithmetic Teacher 41 (December 1993): 220-223.

Mason, J. A., and G. A. Jones. "The Lunch-Wheel Spin." Arithmetic Teacher 41 (March 1994): 404-408.

McClain, K. "Reflecting on Students' Understanding of Data" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 4 (March 1999): 374-380.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Dealing with Data and Change. Grades 5-8 Addenda Book (Reston, VA: NCTM), 1994.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Teaching Statistics and Probability. 1981 Yearbook. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1981.

Newman, C. M., T. E. Obremski, and R. L. Scheaffer. Exploring Probability. Quantitative Literacy Series, Palo Alto, CA: Dale Seymour Publications, 1987.

Norton, Robert M. "Determining Probabilities by Examining Underlying Structures." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 7 (October 2001): 78-82.

Sakshaug, Lynae. "Responses to the Take Two: Fair or Unfair? Problem." Teaching Children Mathematics 6 (December 1999): 252-253.

Schultz, H.S., and B. Leonard. "Probability and Intuition" Mathematics Teacher 82 (January 1989): 52-53.

Shaughnessy, M. "Probability and Statistics" Mathematics Teacher 86 (March 1993): 244-248.

Shulte, A. "Learning Probability Concepts in Elementary School Mathematics" Arithmetic Teacher 34 (January 1987): 32-33.

Vissa, J.M. "Probability and Combinations for Third Graders." Arithmetic Teacher 36 (December 1988): 33-37.

Zawojewski, J.S. Dealing with Data and Chance. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics Addenda Series: Grades 5-8. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1991.

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