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12.1 The Concept of Evolution
  1. Describe the biological meaning of the word evolution.


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12.2 The Role of Natural Selection in Evolution

  1. Define natural selection.


  1. What is fitness and how is it related to reproduction ?


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12.3 What Influences Natural Selection?

  1. What factors can contribute to diversity in the gene pool?


  1. Why is over-reproduction necessary for evolution?


  1. Why is sexual reproduction important to the process of natural selection?


  1. How might a harmful allele remain in a gene pool for generations without being eliminated by natural selection?


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12.4 Common Misunderstandings About Natural Selection

  1. Why are acquired characteristics of little interest to evolutionary biologists?


  1. In what way are the phrases ‘survival of the fittest’ and ‘struggle for existence’ correct? In what ways are they misleading?


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12.5 Processes that Drive Natural Selection

  1. A gene pool has equal numbers of alleles B and b.
    Half of the B alleles mutate to b alleles in the original generation. What will the allele frequencies be in the next generation?


  1. List three factors that can lead to changed gene frequencies from one generation to the next.


  1. Give two examples of selecting agents and explain how they operate.


  1. Distinguish between stabilizing, directional, and disruptive selection.


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12.6 Evolution without Selection—Genetic Drift
  1. Why is genetic drift more likely in small populations ?


  1. Give an example of genetic drift.


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12.7 Gene-Frequency Studies and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

  1. The Hardy-Weinberg concept is only theoretical. What factors do not allow it to operate in a natural gene pool?


  1. The smaller the population, the more likely it is that random changes will influence gene frequencies. Why is this true?


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12.8 A Summary of the Causes of Evolutionary Change

  1. Why is each of the following important for an understanding of evolution: mutation, migration, sexual reproduction, selective agents, and population size?


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