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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Biological evolution could best be described as
A)Genetic adaptation through time.
B)Progressive change in a population.
C)The changing of traits from one generation to the next.
D)An expansion of biochemical processes.

Which statement(s) is/are true about the theory of natural selection?
A)"Survival of the fittest" means that organisms that do not survive do not reproduce.
B)The "struggle for life" does not necessarily refer to open conflict and fighting.
C)Natural selection is the core concept for explaining how evolution occurs.
D)All of the above.

Changes in DNA that cannot be tied to a particular causative agent are known as
A)Mutagenistic changes.
B)Spontaneous mutations.
C)Environmental mutations.
D)None of the above.

The mixing that occurs during sexual reproduction is specifically known as
A)Genetic variation.
B)Genetic diversity.
C)Genetic recombination.
D)Genetic expression.

Genes are sometimes not expressed because of
A)The action or expression of an unrelated gene.
B)The absence of an environmental trigger.
C)The specifics of the organism's life cycle.
D)All of the above.

Acquired characteristics
A)Are not genetically determined.
B)May be enhanced by inherited physical characteristics.
C)Do not influence natural selection.
D)All of the above.

Which statement(s) is/are true?
A)Successful organisms reproduce at rates in excess of those necessary to replace the parents.
B)When high death rates balance high reproductive rates, the result should be thought of as a static population.
C)For a population to remain constant, members of the population must be eliminated in a random manner.
D)All of the above.

Differential survival can lead to changed gene frequencies because
A)Survival rates are dependent on environmental factors.
B)If the environment shifts, the organisms best adapted to the shift will survive.
C)Natural selection assumes that some organisms can and will survive better than others.
D)All of the above.

Clover has been used to study differential reproductive rates and it has been found that
A)Overall, tall plants have a reproductive advantage.
B)Grazing animals may act as selecting agents and give short plants a reproductive advantage.
C)Medium height plants tend to be at a reproductive disadvantage.
D)All of the above.

In differential mate selection, it has been found that
A)Male animals without specific territories have a better chance of mating than those confined to specific territories.
B)It is unclear why females choose one male's territory over another male's territory.
C)In most cases, except for determining where she will live, the female is passive in the mating process.
D)All of the above.

The Hardy-Weinberg concept states that
A)Mating must be based on specific selectional criteria.
B)Migration of individual organisms into and out of a population must be kept below 1%.
C)All genes must have an equal chance of being passed on.
D)Mutations must be identified and factored into the formula.

The Hardy-Weinberg formula can be
A)Applied to the Punnett square.
B)Used to determine the genotypic frequencies of persons in given populations.
C)To make comparisons between different populations.
D)All of the above.

Pure Hardy-Weinberg conditions rarely exist because
A)Random mating is common in most organisms.
B)Immigration and emigration are limited.
C)Genes differ in their value to the species.
D)All of the above.

In a given population, 5% of the individuals are homozygous recessive for trait "B." Out of 100 individuals, how many would be expected to be heterozygous for trait "B?"
D)Cannot be determined

Which of the following statements is/are false?
A)Evolution happened only in the past.
B)Individual organisms evolve.
C)Genes that are valuable to an organism's survival become dominant.
D)All of the above.

Which one of the following would result in a new allele being introduced into a population?
A)a mutation in a skin cell
B)the addition of new individuals to the population by reproduction
C)migration out of the population
D)a mutation in the gamete producing cells

Which one of the following would NOT allow an allele to be hidden?
A)an allele might be recessive
B)an individual might die before the allele had an opportunity to act
C)the allele could be an acquired characteristic
D)the allele might only express itself under certain environmental conditions

Which one of the following is a common method by which natural selection results in altered gene pools?
A)some individuals have genes that allow them to have larger numbers of offspring
B)some individuals are accidentally killed
C)some individuals do not carry mutations
D)some individuals are members of very large populations

In order to keep allele frequencies constant it is necessary to
A)have small populations.
B)have totally random mating.
C)allow for the free movement of individuals in and out of the population.
D)increase the mutation rate.

If the frequency of the blue eye allele in a population in 1800 was 50% and the frequency in 1990 was 47%, which one of the following could be correct?
A)the frequency of the blue eye allele increased
B)blue-eyed individuals may have had larger numbers of offspring
C)blue-eyed individuals may have migrated from the population
D)blue-eyed individuals had no mutations

Evolution is the result of
A)random mating.
B)natural selection.
C)the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
D)the existence of Hardy-Weinberg conditions.

Air pollution from the Industrial Revolution darkened the bark of trees in England. For the peppered moth, this change in the environment resulted in
A)differential survival.
B)a change in allele frequencies.
C)an increase in the occurrence of dark moths.
D)all of the above.

An acquired characteristic would be
A)a woman's hair that turns gray at age 45.
B)the rapid height increase of a teenage boy.
C)a child learning to speak.

The Theory of Natural Selection was proposed
A)independently by Charles Darwin.
B)jointly by Darwin and Wallace.
C)independently by Gregor Mendel.
D)jointly by Hardy and Weinberg.

In a certain population, 80% of the alleles for a given gene are dominant and 20% of the alleles are recessive. What percentage of the population would you expect to be heterozygous if Hardy-Weinberg conditions exist?

Gene frequencies can change when
A)individuals with certain phenotypes have a greater survival rate than individuals with other phenotypes.
B)individuals with certain phenotypes produce more offspring than individuals with other phenotypes.
C)individuals with certain phenotypes are chosen as mates more frequently than individuals with other phenotypes.
D)all of the above.

Which of the following is not a Hardy-Weinberg condition?
A)no migration
B)no mutations
C)random mating
D)small population size

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