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Goals and Objectives
(See related pages)

Know the functions of the six types of nutrients.
  • Point out the value of recommended dietary allowances.
  • Explain why deficiencies of certain nutrients result in ill health.
Understand the value of a balanced diet consisting of each of the food groups.
  • Explain why grains should make up the bulk of your diet.
  • Describe why some protein sources do not contain all of the essential amino acids.
  • Describe why some nutrients should be limited in order to maintain good health.
Know that a calorie is a measure of energy.
  • Recognize that exercise is important in expending the energy gained by eating.
  • Give examples of foods that have more calories than others.
  • Explain how metabolic rate is related to diet and weight control.
Understand that there is a great deal of individual variation in the basal metabolic rate and the voluntary activity of people.
  • Explain how people's food needs change at different points in their lives.
  • Recognize that overeating and under-exercising has resulted in a U.S. population in which approximately 60% is overweight or obese.
Understand that eating has a strong psychological motivation.
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of the common eating disorders that affect health.

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