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22.1 Spontaneous Generation versus Biogenesis

  1. What is meant by spontaneous generation?


  1. What is meant by biogenesis?


  1. Describe the contribution of each of the following scientists to the biogenesis/spontaneous generation debate: Spallanzani, Needham, Pasteur, Redi


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22.2 Current Thinking about the Origin of Life

  1. List two kinds of evidence that support the idea that life could have originated on land on Earth.


  1. List two kinds of evidence that support the idea that life could have arrived on Earth from space.


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22.3 The "Big Bang" and the Origin of the Earth

  1. How did the atmosphere, temperature, and surface of the newly formed Earth differed from what exists today.


  1. What is the approximate age of the Earth?


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22.4 Steps Needed to Produce Life from Inorganic Materials

  1. The current theory of the origin of life as a result of nonbiological manufacture of organic molecules depends on our knowing something of Earth’s history. Why is this so?


  1. List two kinds of evidence that suggest RNA was the first genetic material.


  1. Describe two models that suggest how collections of organic molecules could have been segregated from other molecules.


  1. Why must the first organism on Earth have been anaerobic?


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22.5 Major Evolutionary Changes in the Nature of Living Things

  1. What evidence supports the theory that eukaryotic cells arose from the development of an endosymbiotic relationship between primitive prokaryotic cells?


  1. Can spontaneous generation occur today? Explain.


  1. List two important effects caused by the increase of oxygen in the atmosphere.


  1. In what sequence did the following things happen:
    living cell, oxidizing atmosphere, respiration, photosynthesis, reducing atmosphere, first organic molecule?


  1. Why do scientists believe life originated in the seas?


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22.6 Evolutionary Time Line

  1. For each of the following pairs of terms, select the one that is the earliest in geologic time.
  1. eukaryote---prokaryote
  2. marine----terrestrial
  3. vertebrate---invertebrate
  4. flowering plant---cone-bearing plant
  5. aerobic respiration---photosynthesis
  6. plants---animals


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