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Art Quiz
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Review the image(s) and answer the following questions.

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What happens at number 2 in this diagram showing the catalytic cycle of an enzyme?
A)The enzyme binds to the product.
B)The substrate and product bind to the enzyme.
C)The substrate binds to the enzyme, forming an enzyme-substrate complex.
D)The enzyme undergoes a conformational change and cleaves the substrate.

Which of these statements is(are) true about the enzyme shown in this diagram?
A)The enzyme itself is not altered by the reaction.
B)Enzymes increase the speed with which chemical reactions occur.
C)After the reaction is complete, the products are released from the enzyme, and the enzyme is free to bind to another molecule of sucrose.
D)All of these are correct.

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Which pathway indicates the presence of feedback inhibition?
A)pathway A
B)pathway B
C)both pathways
D)neither pathway - it is impossible to tell from this diagram

What is true about the formation of end product in pathway B as shown in this diagram?
A)Its rate is unlimited.
B)The formation of the end product is limited by the formation of each intermediate before it.
C)The formation of end product initiates the production of enzyme 1.
D)The final end product becomes an allosteric effector for the first enzyme in the pathway.

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