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Animations with .mov extensions require QuickTime to be installed on your system. If these animations do not work properly, you probably do not have this player installed. To download the latest QuickTime Player for free, please go to the QuickTime Download site and follow the directions on-screen for proper installation.

Animations with .ram extensions require RealPlayer to be installed on your system. If these animations do not work properly, you probably do not have this player installed. To download the latest RealPlayer for free, please go to the RealPlayer Download site, click on the "Free RealOne Player" link, and follow the directions on-screen for proper installation.

Animations with .swf extensions require the Macromedia Flash Player to be installed on your system. If these animations do not work properly, you probably do not have this player installed. To download the latest Macromedia Flash Player for free, please go to the Macromedia site and click the link marked "Download Flash Player", then follow the directions on-screen for proper installation.

IgE-mediated Type I hypersensitivity (1030.0K)

Immune Complex Type III hypersensitivity (664.0K)

Delayed Type IV hypersensitivity (960.0K)

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