1. Find websites that give information on common fungal infections of AIDS patients and the effects they have on health and survival.
2. You be the detective. Explore the Internet and try the CDC website to locate information on outbreaks of fungal infectios in hospitals. What are some common sources of infections, what types of infections occur, and what clinical interventions are used?
3. Go to the following websites for information on fungi:
a. http://www.medmicro.wisc.edu/resources/imagelib/mycology/
At this website find an image for the major pathogens in this chapter and characterize them according to fungal group, spore type, and overall appearance.
b. http://www.doctorfungus.org
At this website, review the sections on miscellaneous syndromes, and write a brief description of each disease listed.
c. http://www.niaid.nih.gov/dmid/fungal/
At this website explore the fungi as emerging infections agents and their development of drug resistance.
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