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EOC Internet Search Topics
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1. Explore the Web to locate the following information.
a. Which DNA viruses have been linked to cancer?
b. Why are DNA viruses more likely to cause cancer than RNA viruses?
c. What are some mechanisms that could instigate cancer formation by viruses?

2. You be the detective. Access several Web sources on the subject of monkeypox. Determine the proposed events in the transmission of the virus to the United States. What are the differences between African and American outbreaks?

3. Go to the website for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( Find all of the conditions that would make a person a poor candidate for the smallpox vaccination. What are all the potential side effects of the vaccine?

4. Go the following websites and explore the suggested topics.
a. Go to this site to observe an animation of herpes simplex infection cycle:
b. Go to Click on A dose of the pox. Go through the tutorials and answer the questions it provides.

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