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Task 1. Define. Based on the first paragraph of this section, on page 363 of the text, define the four classifications of essay presented by the authors. Give an example in either English or Spanish of each type of essay.
Task 2. Identify Key Words. Select a key word or words from each definition that will help you remember the differences between the essay types.
key word(s)
Task 3. Scan for Information. Scan the last paragraph on page 363 of the text for answers to the following questions.
In the last two sentences of the paragraph, the authors point out important characteristics of the methods of persuasion used by the essayist in un ensayo persuasivo, versus the essayist's methods in an essay based on drama, narrative, or poetry. What are the characteristics of these two methods?
Task 4. Study and Re-Create. The diagram on page 364 of the text represents the ways in which an essayist can formulate the persuasive structure of the essay based on the characteristics of the other genres. Study the diagram, review the work you did in Tasks 1 and 2, and make sure you understand how the diagram represents the relationships between the genres. Then close your text and complete the diagram from memory on the following page.
Task 5. Explain.
Task 6. Challenge Yourself. In the square below, design another diagram or graphic organizer that represents the same information presented in the diagram on page 364.
Task 7. Brainstorm.