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Task 1. Create Word Wheel.
Task 2. Add to Word Wheel.
Task 3. Summarize. Briefly summarize what you have discovered about la exposición as a persuasive strategy. What are some examples of the expository format?
Task 4. Add to Word Wheel.
Task 5. Summarize. Briefly summarize what you have learned about el argumento as a persuasive strategy. What are some examples of the argumentative format?
Task 6. Scan and Elaborate.
Task 7. Define. The following terms represent strategic approaches that essayists can use to formulate their argument. Based on your work in the previous tasks, you should be able to define the terms without referring to your notes. First define them from memory, then consult your notes to confirm and elaborate on each definition.
Task 8. Explain.
Task 9. Compare.