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Task 2. Complete Charts. Pages 13–18 provide more information about the three literary devices you defined in Task 1. Fill out a chart for each of these devices, using the Study Hint presented earlier as a guide. These charts will provide quick and easy reference for later use, so make sure to include them in your binder or folder for the narrative.
The charts are .pdf files; you will need the Adobe Acrobat reader to view them and print them out.
Task 3. Compare and Contrast. Return to the second full paragraph on page 15, where the authors define el discurso. Use a venn diagram to document the similarities and differences between el discurso literal and el discurso figurativo.
NOTE: One way to generate information on a topic is by using a graphic organizer, which enables you to arrange your ideas visually rather than simply list them. By clustering ideas on a page based on visual patterns, many students find it easier to see the relationships among the ideas. Examples of some common graphic organizers are venn diagrams, star diagrams, and word wheels. You can visualize and organize information that compares the similarities and differences between two or more elements with a venn diagram, which consists of two or more overlapping circles (one for each element you are comparing/ contrasting). The overlapping area or areas contain the features the elements have in common, and the differences are shown in the parts of the circles that do not overlap.
Task 4. Define Literary Terms. Locate the following terms on pages 15–16 of the text and define them in your own words. Then provide some examples of each in English.