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The tasks in this section will help you extract pertinent information about the specific writers you will be studying. This is going to be a large amount of information. Do not try to digest it all at the beginning of the course or you will be overwhelmed. Be patient, process it one piece at a time, within the framework of your syllabus, and eventually you will be able to put the whole puzzle together in a meaningful way.
Task 2. Identify Key Words.
NOTE: Since La camisa de Margarita is the sample narrative used in the Stages and Strategies for Reading Narratives, the next step is to read about the specific time in which Ricardo Palma lived and wrote.
Task 3. Scan for Information. Scan the section entitled El romanticismo en la narrativa hispanoamericana on page 30 for answers to the following questions.
Task 4. Summarize.
Task 5. Test Yourself. Before you continue, make sure that you can answer the following questions without referring to your notes.