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Multiple Choice Questions
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According to the text, the term mass communication is best defined as
A)a society wide process of communication
B)a tool of the mass media
C)an SMCR model
D)a certain type of mass message

Sociologist C. Wright Mills said that the real power of mass media is that it
A)encoded the sender's ideas into a message.
B)made audience members active participants in a discussion.
C)could create events in order to gain the interest of the viewer.
D)could decide which topics were covered and how much attention each received.

_____________ is the process of turning ideas into a message, and preparing the message for transmission.
A)mass media
C)mass communication

According to media scholar James Potter, people with low levels of media literacy will
A)only be aware of surface messages in media.
B)be more likely to misinterpret media messages.
C)work harder to decode media messages.
D)be confused by varied choices of meaning in a message.

According to the text, which of the following is not a channel of mass media?
A)sound recordings
B)commercial e-mail
D)the Internet

An audience made up of a mix of many different types of people is described as

In the 1880s, Emile Berliner invented a device that allowed people to
A)send messages by wire.
B)hear previously performed music
C)listen to live performances occurring in the moment.
D)watch entertaining images.

The events of the 1940s specifically delayed the development of
A)interactive communication.
B)music recording.
C)book publishing

The term media literacy is best described as a person's
A)ability to receive messages from print material.
B)degree of media consumption.
C)understanding of the origins of media.
D)understanding of how media operate and their effect on society.

Media scholar James Potter says that people with low levels of media literacy often believe that
A)every message presented on TV is correct.
B)the media is responsible for complex social problems.
C)the world is a safer place than it actually is.
D)they should raise their level of media literacy.

Of Potter's four basic dimensions of media literacy, which one deals with interpreting media content from a critical point of view?
A)the emotional dimension
B)the cognitive dimension
C)the aesthetic dimension
D)the moral dimension

The type of message effect that would most like influence a viewer to decide he or she likes a political candidate is a
A)cognitive effect
B)attitudinal effect
C)psychological effect
D)behavioral effect

____________________ is known for his statement "The medium is the message" meaning a medium can be as important as the message itself.
A)Joshua Meyrowitz
B)Ben Bagdikian
C)Marshall McLuhan
D)Frederic Wertham

The sensations experienced when viewing a movie with a Dolby 5.1 movie sound system is an example of a/an _______________ effect of media.

Media critic and former newspaper editor Ben Bagdikian suggests that large media organizations are a negative influence on society because
A)they promote violence in media.
B)they put more money into electronic media than into print.
C)they create more entertainment oriented programs, and fewer news programs.
D)They kill programs and news stories which don't reflect well on themselves.

The term ________________ is used to refer to information about members of an audience including age, marital status, opinions, and attitudes.

James Potter suggests the media audience is like a pyramid. In what way does he say this pyramid is arranged?
A)The people with the most media literacy are at the peak; those with the least are at the base.
B)At the peak are those who live closest to each other, with those living farthest apart spread out towards the base.
C)Those consuming the same message are at the peak; those consuming different messages are at the base.
D)Those reacting similarly to a news story are at the peak, those with different reaction spread out towards the base.

Media scholar Harold Laswell wrote that media perform three major social functions: surveillance of the environment, transmission of culture, and
A)correlation of elements of society
C)status conferral
D)providing role models

The meaning of the term status conferral is
A)confirming the status of a news story.
B)achieving societal status by appearing in the media.
C)speaking for a famous person such as the president.
D)the status conferred on those who control the flow of information.

The text notes the C-SPAN network as virtually the only one which
A)attempts to transmit values.
B)provides no interpretation of events.
C)assists the viewer in surveillance.
D)correlates news items.

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