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Internet Connection Activity
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1. Listen to the webcast from one of the international radio stations listed here.

International Radio

Ireland - 2FM Hit Radio:
Features a nightly program for web listeners from around the world.

Links to a number of stations webcasting from Mexico by Grupo Radio Centro.

Indonesia - 102.3
FMania by Prambors Rasisonia in Jakarta, Indonesia.

CBC Radio:
This is the web site of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, our neighbor to the north's national public radio. This is a great place to go for news about Canada and for a different look at United States news. One of most interesting programs for Americans is As It Happens, the CBC's current affairs show. Global Village is a weekly show about musicians from around that world that you can participate in online.

a. What stations did you listen to?

b. How did the programming compare to the radio stations you are accustomed to?

c. Were the stations government controlled or commercial operations?

2. Visit the CNN ( and the BBC News ( web sites. View the home page of each and make note of the top stories.

a. What were the top three news stories at each of the two sites?

b. Were they the same?

c. Why do you think that is?

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