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Readability Formulas
and These articles by Marion Hindes consider various aspects of using readability formulas to evaluate instructional materials. The second article also explores the definitions of readability vs. "comprehensibility."
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Reading Fluency
Another article by Marion Hindes, this offering considers the importance of student reading fluency. Hindes suggests methods for determining level of reading fluency, as well as strategies for developing reading fluency.
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A Taxonomy of Simulation Software
This online article comes from Apple Computer's Learning Technology Review. Defines simulations and discusses their use in an educational context.
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The New York Times on the Web
This site is an easy way for teachers to enhance student learning through the use of periodicals. Registration is free.
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ABC News 4 Kids
This is a wonderful free site for elementary students. Its creators use engaging visuals and activities to present information on current and recent events such as the Anthrax scare and terrorist attacks.
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OrnsteinOnline Learning Center

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