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Review Quiz 3
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The following is a review quiz for objective 12-4.

Legal moralism asserts which of the following?
A)Anything illegal should also be immoral.
B)Anything immoral should also be illegal.
The harm principle asserts which of the following?
A)Harm to others is the only justification for making something illegal.
B)Harm to others is one among several possible justifications for making something illegal.
Which of the following is most concerned with making laws that keep people from harming others?
A)The harm principle.
B)Legal paternalism.
Which of the following is most concerned with making laws that keep people from harming themselves?
A)The harm principle.
B)Legal paternalism.
Which of the following would a justification for a law against flag burning most likely be based upon?
A)Legal paternalism.
B)The harm principle.
C)Legal moralism.
D)The offense principle.
Which of the following would a justification for a law requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets most likely be based upon?
A)Legal paternalism.
B)The harm principle.
C)Legal moralism.
D)The offense principle.
Which of the following is most accurate?
A)An appeal to precedent is a type of inductive generalization.
B)An appeal to precedent is a type of analogy.
C)An appeal to precedent is a type of disjunctive syllogism.
D)An appeal to precedent is a type of causal argument.

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