Digital Radio Production
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Digital Radio Production

Donald W. Connelly, Western Carolina University

ISBN: 0072822538
Copyright year: 2005

In a field overrun with outdated texts, “Digital Radio Production” offers a refreshing and much needed alternative. Hailed by reviewers, this is the only text on the market to illuminate the world of radio as it is in the 21st Century and to explore where radio is headed tomorrow, including introduction to high definition radio, the next major radio transmission format.

A student CD provided with the text features demonstrations of audio examples covered in the book. A second music CD features a large selection of music samples composed especially for the text. These CDs provide students the opportunity to fully exercise the production principles covered within the text itself.

Written by an author with over 20 years of industry experience, Connelly speaks clearly to young people about practical realities, such as how to go for that first job in radio, how to create an audition CD, and other topics. Students using this text will gain a solid production knowledge as well as realistic impression of the industry they may be considering for a career.


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