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On the Job
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One of the biggest fears of students applying for their first job in radio is their lack of experience. A good internship can help offset this a bit, however, you must be able to address this fear if it comes up. I would like to reiterate something I talked about in the text with regard to inexperience.

I had a student apply for a job in market number 28. His resume and tape landed him an interview. He was concerned, though, about his lack of experience. He asked me what he should say if the topic came up in the interview. I gave him this advice—don't dodge the question; face it head on. I told him that if they ask about your experience say, "You are right, I don't have a lot of experience and that is to your benefit, because I don't bring years of bad habits to the job. You can train me exactly how you want me to do the job, and that is to your benefit." The interviewer agreed with him, and he did land the job.

The other bit of advice I would give you is this. When the interviewer asks if you have any more questions respond, "Yes I do, what do I have to do to earn this job?" That is a bold statement, but it goes to a basic negotiation skill, asking for some kind of action.

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