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Multiple Choice
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Teaching students comprehension strategies can greatly increase
A)students' chances of becoming lifelong learners.
B)students' abilities to utilize multiple intelligences.
C)reading comprehension.
D)All of the above.
The theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) was developed by
A)Pamela J. Farris.
B)Howard Gardner.
C)Hadaway and Young.
D)Jean Piaget.
A social studies teacher who engages her students in preparing a typical Colonial meal is utilizing brain research that shows that
A)hands-on activities limit discipline problems.
B)kids can be motivated by food.
C)sensory stimulation can foster learning.
D)All of the above.
Brain research lends further support to
A)integration theory.
B)Kohlberg's theory.
C)Multiple Intelligences (MI).
D)schema theory.
Building schema can best be compared to
A)building a house without a blueprint.
B)completing a paint by the numbers picture without a representation of the picture.
C)sewing a blouse without a pattern.
D)All of the above.
Teachers can model thinking when they
A)verbally demonstrate the reading process.
B)construct a sequence of steps to comprehend text.
C)explain the correct way to read social studies.
D)talk through a videotape on a related topic.
One method that promotes the integration of reading and writing in focused group work is
A)the construction of graphic organizers.
B)multiple questioning strategies.
C)schema activation.
D)All of the above.
A twenty-five cent question is one that can be
A)answered only after making inferences from text information.
B)answered through making predictions about text information.
C)easily answered after making connections to text information.
D)easily answered directly from text information.
One way to summarize the order of strategy sequencing is
A)before and after the reading, then writing.
B)getting ready and reading, then discussing.
C)metacognitive processing, reading, then writing.
D)pre-reading, during-reading, then post-reading
Following the reading of the text and the creation of graphic organizers, students can
A)elaborate on the text through questioning strategies.
B)evaluate the level of effectiveness of the graphic organizers.
C)make predictions.
D)use the graphic organizers to aid their own writing.
Perspective taking is an approach to social studies education in which
A)students argue both sides of an issue.
B)students debate an issue with half the class taking each perspective.
C)students develop realistic characters from a particular time period.
D)students select a perspective from which to study a time period.
Guided Reading E-Sheets were designed to help students
A)explain the important points in the reading.
B)express their feelings about a particular perspective.
C)extract pertinent information from Internet sites.
D)None of the above.

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