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The benefits of including children's literature in the social studies classroom include all of the following EXCEPT
A)assessing student learning.
B)enriching and expanding upon the social studies textbook.
C)building background knowledge.
D)motivating students to new learning.
When assigning writing it is important to remember that students
A)lack motivation for good writing.
B)will choose the easiest topics available.
C)will copy models if shown good ones.
D)will produce better writing about topics of interest to them.
The primary purpose of prewriting activities is to
A)evaluate sources of information.
B)focus student energies on the task at hand.
C)gather and organize data for writing.
D)generate questions about the selected topic.
Stephanie Harvey suggested a type of informal journals to record student learning, thinking, responding, and imagining in social studies. She called these books
A)Book of Learning.
B)Chronicles of Social Studies.
C)Social Studies Diaries.
D)Wonder Books.
When teachers gather materials for students' reading and research, they should keep in mind
A)the great variety of materials appropriate for the social studies classroom.
B)the quality of the selected materials.
C)the reading levels of their students.
D)All of the above.
Having students write song lyrics about social studies topics is one way to
A)bridge the gap between efferent and aesthetic learning.
B)connect learning to personal interests.
C)include propaganda in the classroom.
D)All of the above.
Using authentic letters, diaries, and journals in the social studies curriculum would
A)add the authentic voices of actual people.
B)allow students to understand social studies concepts at a personal level.
C)help students gain empathy with those from other times and places.
D)All of the above.
When Ben Bradlee of the Washington Post said "the first rough draft of history," he was referring to
A)current historical fiction.
C)television news.
D)weekly news analyses.
Literature circles give students opportunities to engage in meaningful learning by in all of the following EXCEPT
A)assigned tasks.
B)choice of reading materials.
C)structured group discussion.
D)written responses to questions.
Cooperative learning in social studies
A)decreases student independence in learning.
B)fosters citizen participant skills.
C)increases competition among students.
D)promotes learned helplessness.
A first step in planning a successful social studies field trip is to
A)build the background knowledge of the students.
B)consider the additional security measure that will be needed.
C)investigate the proposed site.
D)prepare driving directions for the bus driver.
Which of the following is the best example of social activism, one of the seven essential ingredients of literature-based social studies described by Ukpokodu?
A)Students in Ms. A's fourth grade class have presented a proposal to the city council on ways to clean up the park across the street from the school.
B)Students in Mr. B's seventh grade social studies class are in the process of studying the amount of trash produced each day at lunch.
C)Students in Ms. C's third grade class are writing letters to the inhabitants of the nursing home that many of them walk past on their way to school each day.
D)Students in Mr. D's third grade class have learned how to raise and lower the flag that stands in front of the school.

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