Max Weber |  |
Chapter Outline
I. MethodologyA. History and Sociology B. Biographical Sketch C. Verstehen D. Causality E. Ideal Types F. Values 1. Values and Teaching
2. Values and Research
II. Substantive SociologyA. What is Sociology? B. Social Action 1. Means-ends Rationality
2. Value Rationality
3. Affectual
4. Traditional
C. Class, Status, and Party D. Structures of Authority 1. Legal Authority
a. ideal-typical bureaucracy
b. any alternatives?
c. any hope?
2. Traditional Authority
3. Charismatic Authority
a. charisma and revolution
b. charismatic organization and the routinization of
4. Types of Authority and the "Real World"
E. Rationalization 1. Types of Rationality
a. practical
b. theoretical
c. substantive
d. formal
2. An Overarching Theory?
3. Formal and Substantive Rationality
4. Rationalization in Various Social Settings
a. economy
b. religion
c. law
d. polity
e. the city
f. art forms
F. Religion and the Rise of Capitalism 1. Paths to Salvation
a. otherworldly asceticism
b. innerworldly asceticism
c. world-rejecting mysticism
d. innerworldly asceticism
2. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
3. Calvinism and the Spirit of Capitalism
4. Religion and Capitalism in China
a. structural barriers
b. Confucianism
c. Taoism
5. Religion and Capitalism in India
III. CriticismsA. Verstehen B. Lack of a Fully Theorized Macrosociology C. Lack of a Critical Theory D. Pessimism |