1 |  |  The concept of verstehen is derived from: |
|  | A) | Christian mysticism. |
|  | B) | the Protestant Ethic. |
|  | C) | the spirit of capitalism. |
|  | D) | the field of hermeneutics. |
2 |  |  According to Weber, the causal knowledge of the social scientist is: |
|  | A) | identical to that of the natural scientist. |
|  | B) | similar to that of the theologian. |
|  | C) | different from that of the natural scientist. |
|  | D) | a matter of applying logically deduced propositions to the phenomena of the natural world. |
3 |  |  An ideal type is a(n): |
|  | A) | utopian blueprint for a better society. |
|  | B) | model or theoretical measuring rod used to compare various empirical examples of a given social phenomenon. |
|  | C) | demographic regression equation that asserts that rapid population growth can bring about state breakdown when economic and political institutions are too rigid. |
|  | D) | charismatic person who attracts the affection of members of the opposite sex. |
4 |  |  Ideal types are to be derived inductively from: |
|  | A) | the real world of social history. |
|  | B) | the sanctity of age-old beliefs. |
|  | C) | the dialectic of enlightenment. |
|  | D) | the dialectic of class conflict. |
5 |  |  Max Weber's concept of status stresses which of the following? |
|  | A) | economic interests |
|  | B) | economic production |
|  | C) | law |
|  | D) | honor and style of life |
6 |  |  Which of the following is NOT one of Weber's three types of authority? |
|  | A) | traditional |
|  | B) | charismatic |
|  | C) | rational-legal |
|  | D) | matriarchal |
7 |  |  Modern bureaucracies are examples of ____________ authority. |
|  | A) | legal |
|  | B) | tragic |
|  | C) | mechanical |
|  | D) | revolutionary |
8 |  |  Max Weber's three types of authority are: |
|  | A) | alpha, beta, and gamma. |
|  | B) | patrimonial, feudal, and imperial. |
|  | C) | maternal, paternal, and neuter. |
|  | D) | legal, traditional, and charismatic. |
9 |  |  Traditional authority is based on: |
|  | A) | organic solidarity. |
|  | B) | the domination of industry by business. |
|  | C) | the domination of business by industry. |
|  | D) | the belief in the sanctity of age-old rules and powers. |
10 |  |  To which of the following does the routinization of charisma refer? |
|  | A) | transferring the charismatic qualities of a leader to a disciple or organization |
|  | B) | the class consciousness of the proletariat |
|  | C) | the modern industrial system |
|  | D) | specialization in the division of labor |
11 |  |  Max Weber is best known for his: |
|  | A) | theory of time-space instantiation. |
|  | B) | theory of rationalization. |
|  | C) | grand theory of the tragedy of culture. |
|  | D) | theory of the leisure class. |
12 |  |  Max Weber argued that there are four types of rationality. They are practical, substantive, formal and: |
|  | A) | tribal. |
|  | B) | organic. |
|  | C) | theoretical. |
|  | D) | conspicuous. |
13 |  |  Max Weber thought that rationalization has a: |
|  | A) | cage-like quality. |
|  | B) | charismatic-traditional quality. |
|  | C) | magical, enchanting effect on people. |
|  | D) | fragmenting effect on the politics of identity. |
14 |  |  Formal rationality dictates that the choice of the most expedient action is guided by: |
|  | A) | random chance alone. |
|  | B) | the exploitation of the proletariat. |
|  | C) | rules, regulations, and laws that apply to everyone. |
|  | D) | higher values. |
15 |  |  Which of the following is NOT one of Weber's four types of rationality? |
|  | A) | formal rationality |
|  | B) | substantive rationality |
|  | C) | subjective rationality |
|  | D) | practical rationality |
16 |  |  Which of the following most clearly defines modern, rational capitalist enterprises? |
|  | A) | calculability |
|  | B) | avarice |
|  | C) | traditionalism |
|  | D) | asceticism |
17 |  |  According to Weber, exemplary prophets: |
|  | A) | are very primitive. |
|  | B) | demonstrate to followers the path to salvation by means of personal example. |
|  | C) | demand obedience from followers as an ethical duty. |
|  | D) | demand obedience from followers by means of metaphysical traditionalism. |
18 |  |  According to Weber, the Protestant Ethic contributed to: |
|  | A) | the demise of capitalism. |
|  | B) | the rise of modern capitalism. |
|  | C) | conspicuous leisure. |
|  | D) | the fall of the Roman Empire. |
19 |  |  According to Weber, the goal of the Confucian is to: |
|  | A) | seize the means of production. |
|  | B) | smash the state. |
|  | C) | make capitalism more productive and efficient. |
|  | D) | maintain the status quo. |
20 |  |  According to Weber, which of the following is a barrier to rationalization and capitalism in Hinduism? |
|  | A) | the belief that innovation does not lead to a higher caste in the next life |
|  | B) | laziness |
|  | C) | lack of a feudal social structure |
|  | D) | corruption |
21 |  |  For Weber, the task of sociology is to capture the events of history without generalizations. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
22 |  |  Weber argued that verstehen is an irrational, or at least a non-rational, procedure of sociological inquiry. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
23 |  |  Ideal types are models for how the world ought to be transformed by means of sociological analysis. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
24 |  |  Weber believed that sociological inquiry must tell people what they ought to do. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
25 |  |  According to Weber, charismatic authority is rooted in a belief by the followers in the sanctity, heroism, or exemplary character of a leader. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
26 |  |  Max Weber's four types of rationality are practical, theoretical, substantive, and formal. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
27 |  |  Academic legal training created a framework for the rationalization of law in the Western world. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
28 |  |  Weber argued that the city was a structural barrier to the emergence of modern capitalism. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
29 |  |  The spirit of capitalism arose from the Confucian ethic. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
30 |  |  Innerworldly asceticism enjoins people to work within the world in order to find salvation. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |