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Computing Essentials 2002-2003 Intro, 14/e
Timothy J. O'Leary
Linda I. O'Leary

About the Authors

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Tim and Linda O'Leary live in the American Southwest and spend much of their time engaging instructors and students in conversation about learning. In fact, they have been talking about learning for over 25 years. Something in those early conversations convinced them to write a book, to bring their interest in the learning process to the printed page. Today, they are as concerned as ever about learning, about technology, and about the challenges of presenting material in new ways, both in terms of content and the method of delivery.

A powerful and creative team, Tim combines his years of classroom teaching experience with Linda’s background as a consultant and corporate trainer. Tim has taught courses at Stark Technical College in Canton, Ohio, Rocherster Institute of Technology in Upper New York state, and is currently a professor at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. Tim and Linda have talked to and taught students from 8 to 80, all of them with a desire to learn something about computers and the applications that make their lives easier, interesting, and more productive.

Each new edition of an O’Leary text, supplement, or learning aid has benefited from these students and their instructors who daily stand in front of them (or over their shoulders). Computing Essentials, 2002-2003 edition is no exception.
