We understand that, in todays teaching environment,
offering a textbook alone is not sufficient to meet the needs of
the many instructors who use our books. To teach effectively,
instructors must have a full complement of supplemental resources
to assist them in every facet of teaching from preparing for
class, to conducting a lecture, to assessing students
Computing Essentials 2002-2003
offers a complete, fully-integrated supplements package, as
described below.
Instructors Resource Kit The Instructors Resource Kit contains an updated CD-ROM
containing the Instructors Manual in both MS Word and PDF
formats, PowerPoint slides, and Brownstones Diploma test
generation software with accompanying test item files for each
chapter. The distinctive features of each component of the
Instructors Resource Kit are described below: - Instructors Manual: The Instructors manual contains a schedule showing how much time is required to cover the material in the chapter, a list of the chapter competencies; tips for covering difficult material; and answers to the Concept Checks. Also included are references to corresponding topics on the Interactive Companion CD-ROM, answers to all the exercises in the Chapter Review section and answers to On the Web exercises. The manual also contains a helpful introduction that explains the features, benefits, and suggested uses of the IM and corresponding competencies.
- PowerPoint Presentation: The PowerPoint presentation is designed to provide instructors with a comprehensive resource for use during lecture. It includes a review of key terms and definitions, figures from the text, along with several new illustrations, anticipated student questions with answers, and additional resources which can be accessed in Internet-enabled classrooms. Also included with the presentation are comprehensive speaker's notes.
- Test Bank: The Computing Essentials 2002-2003test bank contains over 3,000 questions categorized by level of learning (definition, concept, and application). This is the same learning scheme that is introduced in the text to provide a valuable testing and reinforcement tool. The test questions are identified by text page number to assist you in planning exams, and rationales for each answer are also provided. Additional test questions, which can be used as pretest and posttests in class, can be found on the Online Learning Center, accessible through our supersite www.mhhe.com/it .
Interactive Companion CD-ROM This free student CD-ROM, designed for use in class, in the
lab, or at home by students and professors alike, includes a
collection of interactive tutorial labs on some of the most
popular and difficult concepts topics to illustrate in
information technology. By combining video, interactive
exercises, animation, additional content, and actual "lab"
tutorials, we expand the reach and scope of the textbook. The lab
titles are listed below: Digital Solutions to Help You Manage Your Course
- PageOutPageOut is our Course Web Site Development Center that offers a syllabus page, URL, McGraw-Hill Online Learning Center content, online exercises and quizzes, gradebook, discussion board, and an area for student Web pages. For more information, visit the PageOut Web site at www.pageout.net.
- Online Learning Centers/Web sites The Online Learning Center (OLC) Web Site that accompanies Computing Essentials 2001-2002is accessible through our Information Technology Supersite at www.mhhe.com/it. This site provides additional learning and instructional tools developed using the same three-level approach found in the text and supplements to offer a consistent method for students to enhance their comprehension.
- Online Courses Available Online Learning Centers (OLCs) are your perfect solutions for Internet-based content. Simply put, these Centers are "digital cartridges" that contain a books pedagogy and supplements. As students read the book, they can go online and take self-grading quizzes or work through interactive exercises. These also provide students appropriate access to lecture materials and other key supplements.
Online Learning Centers can be delivered through any of these
platforms: - McGraw-Hill Learning Architecture (TopClass)
- Blackboard.com
- Ecollege.com (formally Real Education)
- WebCT (a product of Universal Learning Technology)
OLeary Series Applications Lab Manuals
Available separately, or packaged with
Computing Essentials
, is the OLeary Series computer applications lab manuals
for Microsoft Office.
The OLeary Series
offers a step-by-step approach to developing computer
applications skills and is available in both brief and
introductory levels. The introductory level manuals are MOUS
Certified and prepare students for the Microsoft User
Certification Exam. Skills Assessment
SimNet XPert
(Simulated Network Assessment Product)SimNet provides a
way for you to test students software skills in a simulated
environment. SimNet is available for Microsoft Office 97,
Microsoft Office 2000, and Microsoft Office XP. SimNet provides
flexibility for you in your course by offering: - Pre-testing options
- Post-testing options
- Course placement testing
- Diagnostic capabilities to reinforce skills
- Proficiency testing to measure skills
- Web or LAN delivery of tests.
- Computer-based training tutorials (new for Office XP)
- MOUS preparation exams
- Learning verification reports
- Spanish version
For more information on skills assessment software, please
contact your local sales representative, or visit us at
www.mhhe.com/it. PowerWeb for Concepts PowerWeb is an exciting new online product available for
Computing Essentials 2002-2003
. A nominally priced token grants students access through our
website to a wealth of resourcesall corresponding to the
text. Features include an interactive glossary; current events
with quizzing, assessment, and measurement options; Web survey;
links to related text content; and WWW searching capability via
Northern Lights, an academic search engine. Visit PowerWeb at
www.dushkin.com/powerweb. |