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Computing Essentials 2002-2003 Intro, 14/e
Timothy J. O'Leary
Linda I. O'Leary

System Software

Using Technology

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Active Desktop

Want to add some interest to your desktop? Would you like to see the most recent sports scores, news, or stock market updates? Using the Web, you can customize your desktop to provide that information and much more. To learn more about this technology, review Making IT Work for You: Active Desktop on pages 68 and 69. Then visit our Web site at Once at that site, play the videos and answer the following questions in a one-page paper: (a) How is a new Active Desktop item added? (b) How are the properties for the Active Desktop item displayed? (c) What is the procedure to lock in the position of an Active Desktop item on the Windows Desktop?

View the Making IT Work Video

McAfee Utility Suite

McAfee and Symantec are producers of some of the most widely used utility software. Visit our site at http://www.mhhe. com/oleary to link to their Web sites. Research their latest utility suites, and then write a one-page paper that answers the following questions: (a) What utilities are included in McAfee’s suite? (b) What are the similarities and differences between McAfee’s and the Symantec suite? (c) Which suite would you purchase? Why?
