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Computing Essentials 2002-2003 Intro, 14/e
Timothy J. O'Leary
Linda I. O'Leary

The Internet, the Web, and Electronic Commerce

Using Technology

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Instant Messaging

Do you enjoy chatting with your friends? Are you working on a project and need to collaborate with others in your group? Perhaps instant messaging is just what you’re looking for. It’s easy and free with an Internet connection and the right software. To learn more about instant messaging, review Making IT Work for You: Instant Messaging on pages 212 and 213. Then visit our Web site at oleary, play the videos, and answer the following questions in a one-page paper: (a) What is the URL for creating a new AOL Instant Messenger account? (b) What users appear in the buddy list? (c) What users enter the newly created chat room?

View the Making IT Work Video

Online Shopping

Shopping on the Internet can be fast and convenient. Connect to our Web site at to link to a popular shopping site. Once there, try shopping for one or two products, and answer the following questions in a one-page paper: (a) What are the pros and cons of shopping online versus a traditional store? (b) What assurance does the site provide that personal information such as your credit card number will be secure when purchasing online? (c) What is this site’s return policy? (d) Would you buy items from this site? Why or why not?
