Contemporary Theories of Modernity |  |
Chapter Outline
I. Classical Theorists on Modernity |
II. The Juggernaut of ModernityA. Biographical Sketch: Anthony Giddens B. Modernity and its Consequences C. Modernity and Identity D. Modernity and Intimacy |
III. The Risk SocietyA. Creating the Risks B. Coping with Risks |
IV. McDonaldization and the New Means of ConsumptionA. McDonaldization B. The New Means of Consumption 1. Efficiency
2. Calculability
3. Predictability
4. Control through Nonhuman Rather than Human Technology
V. Modernity and the HolocaustA. A Product of Modernity B. The Role of Bureaucracy C. The Holocaust and McDonaldization |
VI. Modernity's Unfinished ProjectA. Biographical Sketch: Jurgen Habermas B. Habermas versus Postmodernists |
VII. Informationalism and the Network Society |
VIII. Globalization TheoryA. Kellner's Neo-Marxian Perspective on Globalization B. Giddens on the "Runaway World" of Globalization C. Beck and the Politics of Globalization D. Bauman and the Human Consequences of Globalization E. Ritzer on the "Globalization of Nothing" F. Appadurai's "Landscapes" |