1 |  |  Anthony Giddens has described the modern world as a: |
|  | A) | juggernaut. |
|  | B) | plutocracy. |
|  | C) | demagogue. |
|  | D) | barbarian. |
2 |  |  According to Giddens, which of the following institutions does NOT characterize modernity? |
|  | A) | capitalism |
|  | B) | industrialism |
|  | C) | surveillance capacities |
|  | D) | collective identities |
3 |  |  Which of the following is the term that Giddens uses to describe the prevalence in modernity of relationships with those who are physically absent and increasingly distant? |
|  | A) | disembedding |
|  | B) | reflexivity |
|  | C) | distanciation |
|  | D) | radicalization |
4 |  |  ____________ is the "lifting out" of social relations from local contexts of interaction and their restructuring across indefinite spans of time-space. |
|  | A) | Distanciation |
|  | B) | Disembedding |
|  | C) | Reflexivity |
|  | D) | Radicalization |
5 |  |  ____________ means that social practices are constantly examined and reformed in the light of incoming information about those very practices. |
|  | A) | Disembedding |
|  | B) | Distanciation |
|  | C) | Reflexivity |
|  | D) | Radicalization |
6 |  |  To which of the following would the negative consequences of the juggernaut of modernity NOT be attributed? |
|  | A) | design flaws |
|  | B) | operator failure |
|  | C) | unintended consequences |
|  | D) | natural disasters |
7 |  |  According to Giddens, in modernity the individual becomes responsible for the creation and maintenance of ____________ through the reflexive organization of social life. |
|  | A) | resources |
|  | B) | the self |
|  | C) | the environment |
|  | D) | technology |
8 |  |  According to Ulrich Beck, __________ are being produced by the sources of wealth in modern society. |
|  | A) | risks |
|  | B) | dysfunctions |
|  | C) | pathologies |
|  | D) | dependencies |
9 |  |  Beck blames ____________ for becoming the protectors of a global contamination of people and nature. |
|  | A) | capitalists |
|  | B) | politicians |
|  | C) | consumers |
|  | D) | scientists |
10 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a component of formal rationality? |
|  | A) | efficiency |
|  | B) | predictability |
|  | C) | quantifiability |
|  | D) | adaptability |
11 |  |  Means of _____________ are defined as those things that make it possible for people to acquire goods and services and for the same people to be controlled and exploited as consumers. |
|  | A) | consumption |
|  | B) | acquisition |
|  | C) | exploitation |
|  | D) | production |
12 |  |  How does Zygmunt Bauman characterize the Holocaust? |
|  | A) | as an abnormal event |
|  | B) | as a product of modernity |
|  | C) | as the irruption of the irrational |
|  | D) | as feudalism returned |
13 |  |  Without __________, mass extermination would be impossible. |
|  | A) | capitalism |
|  | B) | technology |
|  | C) | ethnic and religious persecution |
|  | D) | bureaucracy |
14 |  |  ___________________ sees modernity as an unfinished project. |
|  | A) | Ulrich Beck |
|  | B) | George Ritzer |
|  | C) | Zygmunt Bauman |
|  | D) | Jurgen Habermas |
15 |  |  According to Jurgen Habermas, a fully rational society would: |
|  | A) | allow the system to fully colonize the life-world. |
|  | B) | roll back the system and allow the life-world to flourish. |
|  | C) | allow the system and the life-world to be fully expressed without destroying each other. |
|  | D) | replace the system and the life-world with a hybrid life-system. |
16 |  |  Which of the following does Manuel Castells's information technology paradigm NOT assume? |
|  | A) | These are technologies that act on information. |
|  | B) | All systems using information technologies are defined by networking logic. |
|  | C) | The new technologies are highly flexible, allowing them to adapt and change constantly. |
|  | D) | Technologies are diverging along functionally differentiated pathways. |
17 |  |  The network __________ is characterized by flexible production, new management techniques, organizations based on a horizontal rather than a vertical model, and the intertwining of large corporations in strategic alliances. |
|  | A) | enterprise |
|  | B) | economy |
|  | C) | venture |
|  | D) | system |
18 |  |  ________________ is the term used to describe the growing international influence of a particular culture. |
|  | A) | Glocalization |
|  | B) | Globalism |
|  | C) | Cultural imperialism |
|  | D) | Hybridization |
19 |  |  _____________ argues that the key to understanding globalization is to theorize it as, at once, a product of technological revolution and the global restructuring of capital. |
|  | A) | Arjun Appadurai |
|  | B) | Douglas Kellner |
|  | C) | Anthony Giddens |
|  | D) | George Ritzer |
20 |  |  According to Bauman, _____________ has become the most powerful and coveted stratifying factor in the world today. |
|  | A) | mobility |
|  | B) | rationality |
|  | C) | identity |
|  | D) | education |
21 |  |  According to Anthony Giddens, trust becomes necessary when, as a result of increasing distanciation in terms of either time or place, we no longer have full information about social phenomena. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
22 |  |  According to Ulrich Beck, the central issue in advanced modernity is wealth and how it can be distributed more evenly. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
23 |  |  According to George Ritzer, the credit card is an example of the McDonaldization of modern consumption practices. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
24 |  |  According to Zgymunt Bauman, bureaucrats made the Holocaust possible by paying more attention to efficiency than to human beings. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
25 |  |  Jurgen Habermas sees little hope for the development of a more rational society in Europe, but he holds out hope for the United States. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
26 |  |  Like the postmodernists, Habermas is animated by normative sentiments but conceals those sentiments from his readers. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
27 |  |  According to Manuel Castells, the spread of informationalism leads to the gradual weakening of social movements based on self and identity. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
28 |  |  Globalization theory has provoked a reaction against the Western bias of modernization theory. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
29 |  |  Political/institutional orientation to globalization emphasizes either homogeneity or heterogeneity. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
30 |  |  Ulrich Beck is critical of globality, but he sees merit in the idea of globalism. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |