1 |  |  George Herbert Mead's work was influenced by which of the following two approaches? |
|  | A) | positivism and pragmatism |
|  | B) | behaviorism and pragmatism |
|  | C) | positivism and behaviorism |
|  | D) | behaviorism and biology |
2 |  |  Which of the following theorists coined the term symbolic interactionism? |
|  | A) | Erving Goffman |
|  | B) | Herbert Blumer |
|  | C) | Georg Simmel |
|  | D) | George Herbert Mead |
3 |  |  In his work Mind, Self and Society, Mead gave priority to: |
|  | A) | the self. |
|  | B) | the mind. |
|  | C) | society. |
|  | D) | institutions. |
4 |  |  Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic stages of what Mead calls "the act"? |
|  | A) | impulse |
|  | B) | perception |
|  | C) | manipulation |
|  | D) | significant symbols |
5 |  |  Mead refers to ____________ as the basic mechanism in a social act. |
|  | A) | gestures |
|  | B) | impulses |
|  | C) | perceptions |
|  | D) | manipulations |
6 |  |  It is only through ___________ that language and human thinking are possible. |
|  | A) | vocal gestures |
|  | B) | impulses |
|  | C) | physical gestures |
|  | D) | significant symbols |
7 |  |  _____________ is the general mechanism for the development of the self. |
|  | A) | Reflexivity |
|  | B) | Gesture |
|  | C) | Impulse |
|  | D) | Human nature |
8 |  |  Children learn to take the attitude of particular others to themselves during the ____________ stage. |
|  | A) | game |
|  | B) | social |
|  | C) | primary |
|  | D) | play |
9 |  |  Mead refers to the ability to take the attitude of the entire community into account as: |
|  | A) | the generalized other. |
|  | B) | impression management. |
|  | C) | pragmatism. |
|  | D) | the looking-glass self. |
10 |  |  Which of the following does NOT characterize what Mead meant by the "I"? |
|  | A) | The "I" is known only in our memories. |
|  | B) | The "I" is a key source of novelty. |
|  | C) | The "I" is the location of our most important values. |
|  | D) | The "I" is a source of social control. |
11 |  |  According to Mead, ____________ behavior is the thinking process, involving symbols and meanings. |
|  | A) | overt |
|  | B) | covert |
|  | C) | front stage |
|  | D) | back stage |
12 |  |  _____________ refers to those things that tell us a performer's social status, while ____________ tells the audience what sort of role a performer expects to play in a given situation. |
|  | A) | Manner; appearance |
|  | B) | Manner; scene |
|  | C) | Appearance; manner |
|  | D) | Appearance; scene |
13 |  |  The basic unit of analysis in Erving Goffman's theory is: |
|  | A) | the team. |
|  | B) | the individual. |
|  | C) | society. |
|  | D) | the gesture. |
14 |  |  Social actors engage in the process of mystification in order to do all of the following EXCEPT: |
|  | A) | generate social distance between themselves and their audience. |
|  | B) | keep their audience from questioning their performance. |
|  | C) | create a sense of awe in their audience. |
|  | D) | become emotionally connected to their audience. |
15 |  |  Which type of stigma must a person with a scar on his forehead deal with? |
|  | A) | discreditable stigma |
|  | B) | temporary stigma |
|  | C) | overt stigma |
|  | D) | discredited stigma |
16 |  |  Which of the following statements correctly characterizes Goffman's work later in his career? |
|  | A) | Goffman became more cynical of social life. |
|  | B) | Goffman focused more on small-scale structures. |
|  | C) | Goffman defined action more as an active and creative process. |
|  | D) | Goffman became convinced that dramaturgy was the best way to understand social life. |
17 |  |  Which of the following does NOT characterize Herbert Blumer's theory of symbolic interactionism? |
|  | A) | The essence of society is found in actors and action. |
|  | B) | Society is made up of macro structures. |
|  | C) | Large-scale structures emerge from micro processes. |
|  | D) | Collective action gives rise to joint action. |
18 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a criticism of symbolic interactionism? |
|  | A) | It has too readily given up on conventional scientific techniques. |
|  | B) | It has downplayed large-scale social structures. |
|  | C) | It has not been sufficiently microscopic. |
|  | D) | It has concentrated too much on psychological factors. |
19 |  |  Sheldon Stryker proposed a micro-macro integrative goal for symbolic interactionism. What did he see as most fundamental in realizing this goal? |
|  | A) | focusing on human psychology |
|  | B) | focusing on the use of role theory |
|  | C) | focusing on impression management |
|  | D) | focusing on the looking-glass self |
20 |  |  Cultural studies' scholars argue that symbolic interactionism should focus more attention on: |
|  | A) | communication technologies. |
|  | B) | children. |
|  | C) | consumption. |
|  | D) | the Other. |
21 |  |  Symbolic interactionists, like Herbert Blumer, argue that individual behavior is determined by large-scale, external forces. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
22 |  |  Mead gives priority to the mind over society in understanding social experience. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
23 |  |  According to Mead, the first stage of "the act" is perception. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
24 |  |  To Mead, it is impossible to imagine "a self" arising in the absence of social experiences. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
25 |  |  Children learn to take the perspective of the generalized other during the game stage. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
26 |  |  Symbolic interactionists are more interested in studying covert behavior than overt behavior. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
27 |  |  According to Goffman, fronts tend to become institutionalized and therefore tend to be selected rather than created. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
28 |  |  A person who experiences a gap between his or her virtual social identity and his/her actual social identity is stigmatized. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
29 |  |  Symbolic interactionism has been criticized because it is not microscopic enough; that is, it fails to address the unconscious and the emotions. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
30 |  |  Cultural studies' scholars urge symbolic interactionists to pay more attention to consumer culture. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |