Symbolic Interactionism |  |
Chapter 10 Web Links
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction | | This site provides a wealth of information concerning symbolic interactionism, including access to the journal Symbolic Interaction, teaching resources, conference announcements, and links to other related Web pages. (
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The Mead Project | | At this site you can find valuable resources on Mead, Dewey, James, Cooley, and Thomas. This site includes links to copies of their original documents, as well as to biographical information. (
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The Qualitative Report | | Browse current and past on-line articles from The Qualitative Report at this site. You can also find qualitative research resources here, including a link to qualitative on-line research projects. (
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Celebrating Erving Goffman | | This paper, by Eliot Freidson, was read at a memorial session for Erving Goffman at the Eastern Sociological Society meeting in Baltimore on March 4, 1983. It was published in the journal Contemporary Sociology, 12 (4) July, 1983: 359-362. It provides a good overview of Goffman's life and work. (
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Cybersociology: Issue 1 | | This site features a paper written by Nikki Sannicolas entitled "Erving Goffman, Dramaturgy, and On-Line Relationships." It connects the ideas of Goffman to communication technologies, and it can be used to connect symbolic interactionism to cultural studies. (
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Blumer on Fashion | | This site provides a copy of an article written by Charles-Clemens Ruling entitled "Theories of (management?) Fashion: The Contributions of Veblen, Simmel, Blumer and Bourdieu." (
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Cooley's | | This site provides a copy of Cooley's chapter entitled "The Looking-glass Self" from his work Human Nature and the Social Order. (
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