1 |  |  Erikson's fourth stage, industry vs. inferiority, suggests that children must |
|  | A) | learn a skill or trade |
|  | B) | begin doing activities by themselves |
|  | C) | reject parents' help |
|  | D) | all of the above |
2 |  |  A major cognitive and social change occurs as children go through their elementary school years, as compared to their preschool years. They are most likely to |
|  | A) | be best friends with the child next door rather than classmates |
|  | B) | select friends from their own age group who have similar interests and personality traits similar to their own |
|  | C) | play with the children their parents select |
|  | D) | make friends with the kids who have the nicest homes and toys |
3 |  |  Which of the following functions is performed by peer groups? |
|  | A) | Peer groups give children experience with relationships in which they are on an equal footing with others. |
|  | B) | Peer groups help teach children that they must subordinate group goals to their own interests. |
|  | C) | Peer groups provide an arena in which children cannot be independent of adult control. |
|  | D) | Peer groups provide children with marginal stress. |
4 |  |  The tendency for elementary school boys to associate with boys and elementary school girls with girls is called |
|  | A) | gender consciousness |
|  | B) | peer groups |
|  | C) | gender cleavage |
|  | D) | gender experimentation |
5 |  |  According to your text, gender segregation tends to reach its peak in |
|  | A) | third grade |
|  | B) | fourth grade |
|  | C) | fifth grade |
|  | D) | sixth grade |
6 |  |  According to Eleanor Maccoby's findings on gender segregation, which of the following statements is not true? |
|  | A) | Children systematically frustrate adult efforts to diffuse their preferences for interacting with same-sex peers. |
|  | B) | Children segregate themselves into same-sex groups because they find play partners of the same sex more compatible. |
|  | C) | Girls find it difficult to establish reciprocity with boys. |
|  | D) | Boys in their own groups are more likely to engage in "collaborative speech acts." |
7 |  |  "I am a good girl" is an example of |
|  | A) | self-image |
|  | B) | self-concept |
|  | C) | self-esteem |
|  | D) | all of the above |
8 |  |  When asked, the majority of children ages 8 to 12 listed which of the following as the most important for self-esteem? |
|  | A) | scholastic ability |
|  | B) | athletic competence |
|  | C) | physical appearance |
|  | D) | social acceptance |
9 |  |  Which of the following is not put forth in the text as one of three factors researchers use in studying stress? |
|  | A) | characteristics of the child |
|  | B) | developmental factors |
|  | C) | situation specific factors |
|  | D) | societal factors |
10 |  |  Boys are more likely than girls to do all of the following except |
|  | A) | interrupt one another |
|  | B) | use commands and threats |
|  | C) | tell jokes or suspenseful stories |
|  | D) | provide nonverbal signals of attentiveness |
11 |  |  Members of a group |
|  | A) | are bound together in relatively stable patterns of social interaction |
|  | B) | are attracted to each other as a result of sociometry |
|  | C) | share a temporary feeling of unity until a sociogram is developed |
|  | D) | join together to preserve a sense of independence |
12 |  |  The criteria that people use in deciding the relative merit and desirability of things is termed |
|  | A) | gender cleavage |
|  | B) | sociometrics |
|  | C) | values |
|  | D) | morals |
13 |  |  Sociometry is a |
|  | A) | meter instrument for counting social interactions |
|  | B) | measure used for assessing patterns of attraction, rejection, or indifference |
|  | C) | direct measure of the desirability of one's name |
|  | D) | measure of physical attractiveness |
14 |  |  In a sociogram, a person who is not part of any group is called |
|  | A) | a mesomorph |
|  | B) | an athlete |
|  | C) | an isolate |
|  | D) | an introvert |
15 |  |  Researchers have conducted several studies using many different methods and have found a significant relationship exists between children's physical attractiveness and their level of |
|  | A) | athleticism |
|  | B) | popularity |
|  | C) | intelligence |
|  | D) | extroversion |
16 |  |  Evidence suggests that, by the age of six, boys have already developed a favorable stereotype of which type of body configuration? |
|  | A) | ectomorph |
|  | B) | endomorph |
|  | C) | mesomorph |
|  | D) | mectomorph |
17 |  |  Popular children tend to be described by their peers as |
|  | A) | noisy, rebellious, and peppy |
|  | B) | alert, self-assured, and helpful |
|  | C) | confident, aggressive, and attention-seeking |
|  | D) | active, egocentric, and strong |
18 |  |  Children with high self-esteem are likely to have parents who |
|  | A) | have low self-esteem |
|  | B) | set vaguely defined limits |
|  | C) | show respect for their children's opinions |
|  | D) | abuse their children |
19 |  |  The system of negative conceptions, feelings, and action orientations regarding the members of a particular religion, race, or nationality is referred to as |
|  | A) | stereotyping |
|  | B) | prejudice |
|  | C) | group norms |
|  | D) | values |
20 |  |  During the preschool period, white children |
|  | A) | show consistent prejudice toward non-white children |
|  | B) | attend less to differences among non-white children than they do to differences among white children |
|  | C) | use hair and eye characteristics to distinguish between African-American and Caucasian children |
|  | D) | perceive and think about African-Americans in stereotyped ways |
21 |  |  Which of the following is not described as a developmental function of schools? |
|  | A) | teaching specific cognitive skills |
|  | B) | transmitting society's goals and values |
|  | C) | preparing for higher education and technical skills |
|  | D) | transmitting religious morals |
22 |  |  Which of the following is the most closely associated with intrinsic motivation? |
|  | A) | praise |
|  | B) | an increase in allowance |
|  | C) | rewards that are part of the activity |
|  | D) | achievement of honor roll for money |
23 |  |  Studies have shown that the higher the social class of children's families |
|  | A) | the lower the number of elective offices they hold in school life |
|  | B) | the lower their participation in extracurricular activities |
|  | C) | the higher their rate of truancy and suspensions from school |
|  | D) | the greater number of formal grades the children complete |
24 |  |  Regarding research on motivation and learning, which statement is accurate? |
|  | A) | Punishment (staying in at lunchtime or after school) is shown to be an effective motivator to get children to do their homework. |
|  | B) | Extrinsic rewards, such as candy and stars, are effective in getting students to read more. |
|  | C) | With less motivated students, teachers should lavish praise on their every good deed. |
|  | D) | Extrinsic rewards should be used sparingly and only when necessary. |
25 |  |  Poor school achievement seems to be related to |
|  | A) | low motivation or effort |
|  | B) | external locus of control |
|  | C) | socioeconomic status |
|  | D) | all of the above |
26 |  |  When children fail to learn because those who are charged with teaching them do not believe that they will learn, do not expect that they can learn, and do not act toward them in ways that help them to learn, psychologists say that they are the victims of |
|  | A) | a learning disability |
|  | B) | educational self-fulfilling prophecies |
|  | C) | cultural bias |
|  | D) | gender cleavage |