1 |  |  The period of the life cycle when sexual and reproductive maturation becomes evident defines |
|  | A) | adolescence |
|  | B) | puberty |
|  | C) | adulthood |
|  | D) | psychological maturation |
2 |  |  Which gland in the body (also known as the "master gland") secretes the hormones into the bloodstream that trigger the changes at puberty? |
|  | A) | endocrine |
|  | B) | adrenal |
|  | C) | thyroid |
|  | D) | pituitary |
3 |  |  Which of the following statements is inaccurate about biological changes that influence cognitive development? |
|  | A) | Adult brains use twice as much energy as children's brains. |
|  | B) | From 11 to 14, metabolic activity falls to the adult level. |
|  | C) | Children experience twice as much deep sleep as adults. |
|  | D) | Unused synapses are depleted. |
4 |  |  Researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health have found supportive evidence that lower levels of testosterone and higher levels of an adrenal androgen are linked to |
|  | A) | feelings of sadness and confusion |
|  | B) | good adjustment behaviors |
|  | C) | behavioral problems, including rebelliousness and fighting |
|  | D) | early menarche |
5 |  |  Belsky has recently advanced a controversial sociobiological theory suggesting that |
|  | A) | some young mothers are responding to an evolutionary pattern to bear children early and often |
|  | B) | boys are more likely to exhibit behavioral problems than girls |
|  | C) | youngsters growing up in affluence are likely to have more children |
|  | D) | girls reared in homes where there is a great deal of emotional stress typically enter puberty later than other girls |
6 |  |  Which organ almost doubles in weight during adolescence? |
|  | A) | brain |
|  | B) | heart |
|  | C) | pituitary gland |
|  | D) | all of the above |
7 |  |  Which of the following about the adolescent growth spurt is true? |
|  | A) | Boys' growth spurt occurs about two years earlier than girls'. |
|  | B) | Children grow at a rate they last experienced when 2 years old. |
|  | C) | It lasts about six months. |
|  | D) | By age 16, 98 percent of adolescents reach their final height. |
8 |  |  During puberty, different parts of the body grow at different rates, sometimes causing awkwardness. This is called |
|  | A) | clumsiness |
|  | B) | adolescent growth spurt |
|  | C) | acceleration |
|  | D) | asynchrony |
9 |  |  The release of a woman's mature egg, which occurs 12 to 18 months after the first menstruation, is called |
|  | A) | menarche |
|  | B) | menses |
|  | C) | ovulation |
|  | D) | fertilization |
10 |  |  An earlier onset of the first menstruation over the past century in Western nations appears to have resulted from |
|  | A) | genetic predispositions |
|  | B) | an improvement in overall nutrition |
|  | C) | hormone replacement therapy |
|  | D) | less strenuous lives for women |
11 |  |  Menarche can be delayed because of |
|  | A) | strenuous physical exercise |
|  | B) | a very thin body type with little fat reserve |
|  | C) | poor nutrition |
|  | D) | all of the above |
12 |  |  American girls' attitudes toward menarche include all of the following except |
|  | A) | it gives girls a sense of identity as women |
|  | B) | most girls are happy about their first menses |
|  | C) | most girls begin to think about having babies |
|  | D) | most girls are concerned about physical discomfort, moodiness, hygiene, and disruption of activities |
13 |  |  Mature sperm, which can fertilize a woman's egg, appear in the semen about when? |
|  | A) | in the first ejaculate fluid during orgasm |
|  | B) | in the first nocturnal emissions called "wet dreams" |
|  | C) | in the semen about one year after the first ejaculation |
|  | D) | in the semen about a month after the first ejaculation |
14 |  |  Children show enormous variation in growth and sexual maturation. Some do not begin their growth spurt and development of secondary sexual characteristics until many of their peers have virtually completed these stages. The most logical conclusion that can be arrived at from these facts is |
|  | A) | the larger the body frame, the earlier the maturation |
|  | B) | there is no "set pattern" that is applicable for all children |
|  | C) | good nutrition ensures "on time" physical maturation |
|  | D) | females always reach maturation before males |
15 |  |  Early-maturing adolescent boys tend to |
|  | A) | possess feelings of adequacy in comparison with peers |
|  | B) | possess feelings of inadequacy in comparison with peers |
|  | C) | be born leaders |
|  | D) | be more aggressive and rebellious than their peers |
16 |  |  Early-maturing adolescent girls are more likely to |
|  | A) | develop symptoms such as depression |
|  | B) | have a negatively affected prestige status |
|  | C) | develop eating disorders |
|  | D) | all of the above |
17 |  |  Which of the following statements pertaining to adolescent self-image is true? |
|  | A) | Teenagers are preoccupied with the issue of who is the most intelligent. |
|  | B) | Popularity and peer approval are major issues. |
|  | C) | Preteens are more concerned with developing intimate friendships than teenagers. |
|  | D) | Concern with weight is not an issue to an adolescent. |
18 |  |  Female models are 9 percent taller and 16 percent thinner than are average American women. Based on this fact and the studies discussed in the chapter, one can conclude |
|  | A) | this is the primary cause of anorexia among adolescent girls |
|  | B) | girls' self-esteem develops more slowly than males |
|  | C) | the majority of adolescent females are unhappy with their physical appearance |
|  | D) | advertisements present an unrealistic ideal of beauty for females to emulate |
19 |  |  Obesity is |
|  | A) | the second most common eating disorder in the United States. |
|  | B) | the most common eating disorder in the United States. |
|  | C) | ten pounds over your desired weight |
|  | D) | twenty pounds more fat than muscle |
20 |  |  Obese adults are at greater risk of |
|  | A) | diabetes |
|  | B) | all cancers |
|  | C) | liver disorders |
|  | D) | all of the above |
21 |  |  Substance abuse is defined as |
|  | A) | beating someone while intoxicated |
|  | B) | using drugs for more than three months |
|  | C) | prolonged use of drugs that endangers self or others |
|  | D) | taking more of a drug than weight/height ratio dictates |
22 |  |  Sexually active U.S. teens have ________ of the sexually active U.S. population |
|  | A) | the lowest rates of gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia |
|  | B) | the lowest rates of gonorrhea, syphilis, and AIDS |
|  | C) | the highest rates of gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia |
|  | D) | the highest rates of gonorrhea, syphilis and AIDS |
23 |  |  Although victims of bulimia are typically female, the disorder also manifests itself in males, particularly those who are participating in contact sports. Studies show that a male bulimic would most likely be a |
|  | A) | football player |
|  | B) | jogger |
|  | C) | soccer player |
|  | D) | wrestler |
24 |  |  A common reason for body piercing is |
|  | A) | to find one's true self |
|  | B) | to win a bet |
|  | C) | to fit in with a group |
|  | D) | to commemorate an event |
25 |  |  Jean Piaget called adolescence the period of formal operations because |
|  | A) | adolescents are able to argue persuasively in both formal and informal discussion |
|  | B) | adolescents are formally out of the required educational system |
|  | C) | adolescents gain the ability to think in logical, abstract terms to solve complex problems |
|  | D) | adolescents can think in immediate terms |
26 |  |  According to Elkind, the two dimensions of egocentrism are |
|  | A) | abstract fable and imaginary audience |
|  | B) | abstract audience and imaginary fable |
|  | C) | personal fable and imaginary audience |
|  | D) | personal abstraction and imaginary fable |
27 |  |  On the basis of information presented in the chapter on adolescent egocentricity, it would be fair to conclude that |
|  | A) | most adolescents are not concerned with what their peers think |
|  | B) | most adolescents are less self-conscious at this stage |
|  | C) | most adolescents believe other people are as admiring or critical of them as they are of themselves |
|  | D) | most adolescents are concerned with observing others rather than being observed |
28 |  |  A finding from Kohlberg's work on moral development is that |
|  | A) | by early adolescence, children are generally more liberal in their outlook |
|  | B) | adolescents are often idealistic and think they have to reform the world |
|  | C) | adolescents are often unconcerned with the adult world and its issues |
|  | D) | moral development in adolescence doesn't develop in an orderly sequence |