1 |  |  The psychoprophylactic method of birthing derives from what famous theorist's insights? |
|  | A) | Doula |
|  | B) | Pavlov |
|  | C) | Mendel |
|  | D) | Freud |
2 |  |  Natural child birth refers to ________ |
|  | A) | birth in the home |
|  | B) | an awake, aware, and unmedicated mother to be |
|  | C) | delivery of the baby by the father |
|  | D) | the mother giving birth outdoors and alone |
3 |  |  What term is used to describe the stage in the birth process in which the strong muscle fibers of the uterus contract rhythmically, pushing the infant downward toward the birth canal? |
|  | A) | delivery |
|  | B) | afterbirth |
|  | C) | labor |
|  | D) | natural childbirth |
4 |  |  Crowning occurs when the |
|  | A) | widest diameter of the baby's head is at the mother's vulva |
|  | B) | Braxton-Hicks contractions begin |
|  | C) | afterbirth is expelled from uterus |
|  | D) | Apgar test is performed |
5 |  |  Women who use the psychoprophylactic method of childbirth |
|  | A) | use pain medication or spinal block to tolerate the uterine contractions |
|  | B) | use breathing and relaxation exercises during their labor |
|  | C) | become more affectionate toward their infants |
|  | D) | have their babies delivered within a surgical environment |
6 |  |  Dissatisfaction with the maternity care options provided by physicians has contributed to the legal revival in the United States of |
|  | A) | birthing rooms |
|  | B) | the couvade syndrome |
|  | C) | the principle of legitimacy |
|  | D) | midwifery |
7 |  |  Which of the following statements best describes family-centered hospitals? |
|  | A) | They separate the infant from the mother for a prolonged period so she can recuperate. |
|  | B) | They discourage new mothers from breast feeding their babies so other family members can feed the child. |
|  | C) | They allow the father to be an active member of the delivery team. |
|  | D) | They require the mother to use psychoprophylactic methods of delivery. |
8 |  |  When fathers experience the "couvade syndrome" they are |
|  | A) | participating in a form of prepared childbirth |
|  | B) | protecting their fetus against the trauma of conventional birthing procedures |
|  | C) | experiencing pregnancy symptoms similar to those of their wives |
|  | D) | feeling a sense of loss following their wife's miscarriage |
9 |  |  According to the French obstetrician Frederick Leboyer, conventional hospital birth procedures |
|  | A) | may permanently damage the infant's nervous system |
|  | B) | produce high levels of stress hormones in the fetus |
|  | C) | increase the likelihood of delivering babies by cesarean section |
|  | D) | ensure that the newborn infant will have an adequate Apgar rating |
10 |  |  A surgical procedure by which the physician enters the uterus through an abdominal incision and removes the infant is called |
|  | A) | epidural block |
|  | B) | suturemia |
|  | C) | the Lamaze method |
|  | D) | Caesarean section |
11 |  |  A common difficulty encountered by premature infants is |
|  | A) | a negative Rh factor |
|  | B) | respiratory distress |
|  | C) | intestinal complications |
|  | D) | intracranial bleeding |
12 |  |  Premature infants are defined as |
|  | A) | weighing less than 6 pounds 4 ounces |
|  | B) | being born with respiratory distress |
|  | C) | having a gestational age of less than 37 weeks |
|  | D) | all of the above |
13 |  |  Which of the following has not been suggested as a possible cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)? |
|  | A) | breast feeding |
|  | B) | smoking |
|  | C) | bacterial infection |
|  | D) | brain defects |
14 |  |  During the state that Peter Wolff refers to as "drowsiness," the infant |
|  | A) | is at full rest |
|  | B) | has occasional and rapid eye movement |
|  | C) | is relatively inactive but opens and closes its eyes intermittently |
|  | D) | has irregular respiration and frequent, diffuse motor activity |
15 |  |  Which of the following descriptions would best characterize an infant's crying at the age of 9 months? |
|  | A) | fussy and irregular |
|  | B) | persistent and frequent |
|  | C) | punctuated by pauses |
|  | D) | rhythmic |
16 |  |  One of the major advantages of breast versus bottle feeding is that breast feeding |
|  | A) | gives mothers more physical freedom |
|  | B) | protects the infant against infections |
|  | C) | immunizes babies by medication the mother receives |
|  | D) | gives babies better startle reflexes |
17 |  |  Reflex responses in infants |
|  | A) | are primitive mechanisms that serve no useful biological function |
|  | B) | are generally necessary for human survival |
|  | C) | provide the infant's limbs with needed exercise |
|  | D) | are good indicators of neurological development |
18 |  |  The two structures known to play a critical role in the growth regulation of children are |
|  | A) | the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus |
|  | B) | the pituitary gland and the cerebral cortex |
|  | C) | the subcortical level and the hypothalamus |
|  | D) | the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere |
19 |  |  The lymphoid tissue shows its greatest development _____________ , whereas growth of the reproductive system peaks _______________. |
|  | A) | prior to adolescence; during adolescence |
|  | B) | during adulthood; during adolescence |
|  | C) | after adolescence; before early adulthood |
|  | D) | during adulthood; during early infancy |
20 |  |  Neurological research on brain development indicates that |
|  | A) | the corpus callosum in the newborn prevents passage of information between the two cerebral hemispheres |
|  | B) | rapid cortical development in infancy allows infants to develop more flexible and less stereotyped behaviors |
|  | C) | the right hemisphere is typically specialized for reasoning operations and speech control |
|  | D) | most reflexes, such as sucking and grasping, are organized in the cerebral cortex of the newborn's brain |
21 |  |  According to the cephalocaudal principle, development proceeds |
|  | A) | from right to left |
|  | B) | from mother to infant |
|  | C) | from head to feet |
|  | D) | from left to right |
22 |  |  Recent research on motor development in infants indicates that |
|  | A) | behaviors such as crawling emerge from the dynamic interplay of several developing capabilities |
|  | B) | capacities such as locomotion typically emerge in a linear manner |
|  | C) | the capacity for locomotion is independent of the child's overall physical growth |
|  | D) | the capacity for locomotion is unaffected by the child's interaction with the world around him |
23 |  |  In learning to walk, children progress through a long sequence of developments, which |
|  | A) | progress in a sequence which follows the cephalocaudal principle |
|  | B) | are initiated by the infant's command of the trunk region |
|  | C) | surface most noticeably during the fourth month of life |
|  | D) | progress in sequence from hitching, to creeping, to crawling during the seventh month |
24 |  |  Which of the following terms refers to the reception of information by our sense organs |
|  | A) | perception |
|  | B) | sensation |
|  | C) | gustation |
|  | D) | olfaction |
25 |  |  Which of the following stimuli is least likely to attract the visual attention of an infant? |
|  | A) | facelike pattern |
|  | B) | colorful stripes |
|  | C) | plain shape |
|  | D) | black-and-white bull's-eye pattern |
26 |  |  Which of the following terms describes the tendency for objects to look the same to us despite fluctuations in sensory input? |
|  | A) | depth constancy |
|  | B) | visual overlapping |
|  | C) | perception of form |
|  | D) | visual constancy |
27 |  |  Eleanor Gibson's visual cliff experiment was designed to test an infant's ability to perceive |
|  | A) | color |
|  | B) | shape |
|  | C) | depth |
|  | D) | pattern |
28 |  |  Infants' ability to tell the distances of various objects and to experience the world three-dimensionally is termed |
|  | A) | visual scanning |
|  | B) | binocular vision |
|  | C) | visual constancy |
|  | D) | shape constancy |
29 |  |  William Condor and Louis Sander have videotaped neonate-adult interaction. They find that neonates |
|  | A) | do not possess a genetic predisposition for the acquisition of language |
|  | B) | synchronize (coordinate) the movement of their bodies to adult speech patterns |
|  | C) | hold their breath and tense their bodies when adults start to speak |
|  | D) | have an incompletely developed hearing apparatus resulting from vernix in the ear |
30 |  |  When sweet fluid is put into the mouth of newborns, they |
|  | A) | decrease sucking speed |
|  | B) | use the expression sucking method |
|  | C) | display an increased respiration rate |
|  | D) | engage in increased limb movement |
31 |  |  The four major cutaneous sensations are heat, cold, pressure, and |
|  | A) | taste |
|  | B) | smell |
|  | C) | pain |
|  | D) | sound |