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Age of the Sea Floor (59.0K)
Breakup of Pangaea (35.0K)
Continent - Continent Collision (27.0K)
Continental Breakup by Mantle Plumes (28.0K)
Convergent Plate Boundary (99.0K)
Divergent Plate Boundary (40.0K)
Evolution of a Divergent Plate Boundary (88.0K)
Hot Spots and Aseismic Ridges (186.0K)
Marine Magnetic Anomalies (61.0K)
Model of Mantle Convection (32.0K)
Ocean Continent Convergence (349.0K)
Ocean Ocean Convergent Boundary (76.0K)
Origin of Magnetic Anomalies (46.0K)
Sea Floor Spreading (115.0K)

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