Arthur Getis,
San Diego State University Judith Getis Jerome D. Fellmann,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
ISBN: 0072826851 Copyright year: 2006
An outline at the beginning of each chapter clarifies the organization of the chapter.
Chapter-opening vignettes capture the reader's interest in preparation for the subject matter that follows.
Figures: The text contains more than 450 full-color maps, charts, and photographs, with information and explanations that serve as extensions of the text, not just identification or documentation of the figure.
Boxed inserts, three to five per chapter, further develop ideas and are written so as to enhance student interest in the material. Except where noted, the authors have written all of the boxes. One box in most chapters explores gender-related issues. See, for example, "100 Million Women are Missing" in Chapter 6 and "Legislative Women" in Chapter 9.
A special "Geography and Public Policy" box that appears in nearly every chapter highlights an important or controversial issue. The boxes are intended to encourage students to think about the relevance of geography to real-world concerns. Critical-thinking questions at the end of the box, designed to have students reflect on and form an opinion about the issue, can serve as catalysts for class discussion.
End-of-Chapter Material.Chapter summaries bring together and reinforce the major ideas of the chapter. A Key Words list contains page references to important terms introduced in the chapter, making it easy for students to verify their understanding of each term. For Review and Consideration questions enable readers to check their grasp of chapter material. A limited Selected References listing cites important recent or classic considerations of the subject matter of each chapter. We have included both widely available recent books and articles and a few more specialized titles useful to students who want to delve more deeply into particular subfields of geography.
Websites relevant to the subject matter of each chapter appear in the "Web Links" section of the Online Learning Center.
As its title indicates, the new Appendix 1, Map Projections, is a discussion of that topic. It includes a consideration of methods of projection, globe properties and map distortion, and classes of projections.
Appendix 2, a modified version of the 2004 World Population Data Sheet of the Population Reference Bureau, includes basic demographic data and projections for countries, regions, and continents as well as selected economic and social statistics helpful in national and regional comparisons. The Appendix data provide a wealth of useful comparative information for student projects, regional and topical analyses, and study of world patterns.
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