Arthur Getis,
San Diego State University Judith Getis Jerome D. Fellmann,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
ISBN: 0072826851 Copyright year: 2006
The tenth edition provides a complete geography program for the student and teacher.For the Student:
Online Learning Center at
This site gives you the opportunity to further explore topics presented in the book using the Internet. The site contains interactive quizzing with immediate feedback, interactive activities, mapping exercises, Internet Exercises and more.
Interactive World Issues CD-ROM
Your instructor may require the Interactive World Issues CD-ROM. This CD allows you to have hands-on exercises and to see videos of different case studies. The five case studies include Oregon, China, South Africa, Mexico, and Chicago. Since most of us are unable to visit different world regions, this is a good way to understand the issues facing different parts of the world.
For the Instructor:
Online Learning Center at
Take advantage of the lecture outlines, instructor's manual, and access to PageOut – McGraw-Hill's course management tool. Online Instructor's Manual
Included in this password-protected section of the Online Learning Center are chapter overviews, key terms, and discussion topics.Digital Content Manager CD-ROM
This CD-ROM contains all of the figures and photographs from the text. The software makes customizing your multimedia presentation easy. You can organize figures in any order you want, add labels, lines, and your own artwork, integrate materials from other sources, edit and annotate lecture notes, and then have the option of placing your multimedia lecture into another presentation program such as PowerPoint.Overhead Transparencies
Included are 100 illustrations from the text, all enlarged for excellent visibility in the classroom.Instructor's Testing and Resource CD-ROM
This cross-platform CD-ROM provides a wealth of resources for the instructor. Supplements featured on this CD-ROM include a computerized test bank utilizing McGraw-Hill's EZ Test testing software to quickly create customized exams. This user-friendly program allows instructors to sort questions by format; edit existing questions or add new ones; and scramble questions for multiple versions of the same test.
Other assets on the Instructor's Testing and Resource CD-ROM are grouped within easy-to-use folders. The Instructor's Manual and Test Item File are available in both Word and PDF formats. Word files of the test bank are included for those instructors who prefer to work outside of the test-generator software.Videotape Library
An extensive array of videotapes is available to qualified adopters. Check with your sales representative for details.Interactive World Issues CD-ROM
This CD allows you to have hands-on exercises and see videos of different case studies. The five case studies include Oregon, China, South Africa, Mexico, and Chicago. Since most of us are unable to visit different world regions, this is a good way to understand the issues facing different parts of the world.Course Management Systems
Online course content is available for a variety of course management systems including:
McGraw-Hill offers many different packaging options, which not only provide your students with valuable geography-related material, but will also save them money. Instructors, ask your sales representative for information on the discounts and special ISBNs for ordering a package that contains one or more of the following:
Interactive World Issues CD-ROM
Student Atlas of World Geography
New Millennium CD-ROM by Rand McNally
You Can Make a Difference: Be Environmentally Responsible
New York Times subscription – special 20-week subscription
Global Studies series
Student Atlas series
Taking Sides series
Annual Editions series
To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.