1. Ask five of your fellow students where they would most like to live after graduation, and why. Are there any commonalities to their answers?
2. What were the push and pull factors that caused your ancestors to move to the United States? (If you are a Native American, what factors affected the migration patterns of your ancestors?)
5. Globalization is an important issue right now. It has cultural, economic and political aspects. Give several examples of each. Can you think of several dramatic examples of backlash against dominant Western culture? If some people are hostile, why do American cultural artifacts, from fast food to contemporary music, remain so popular?
4. Migration has allowed economically precocious minorities to build businesses in less developed regions, enriching themselves and their host countries. This has also occasionally provoked hostile reactions from local populations that has included expropriation and murder. This has also resulted in discriminatory legislation against Chinese businesses in Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as the expulsion of Indian minorities in a number of East African nations. Can such actions ever by justified?
5. Outsourcing of jobs from industrialized to developing nations has been a cause of both concern and delight. Give examples of outsourcing. What are the advantages, and the costs, of this increasingly important economic activity?
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