1. Go to Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees at http://www.gcir.org/about_immigration/world_map_intro.htm to obtain migration statistics from countries around the world. Select "Go to World Map" and compare the United States and Canada by selecting each country on the map and reviewing the statistics for each.
a. What percentage of citizens in both countries is foreign born? Which country actually has more foreign-born citizens?
b. What is the top country of origin of immigrants coming to the US and Canada? Why are these countries the major source of immigrants for each country?
2. From the same web site as above, go to the menu and select "About Immigration" and
use US Immigration Statistics by State and County site, to learn more about
immigrants where you live.
a. What percentage of your state's population is foreign born? How does that compare to US total percentage of foreign born (see above)?
b. Select the county closest to where you live to find out what percentage of that county is foreign born. How does that number compare to the rest of the state? Why might there be more/less foreign born in the county compared to the rest of the state?
c. From what region of the world does the greatest percentage of the foreign born citizens come from? What evidence do you see in your environment that reflects the native culture of these immigrants?
For Canadian statistics on foreign born population by province, go to Statistics Canada at http://www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/popula.htm and navigate the menu to "Immigrant population by place of birth, 2001 Census, provinces and territories."
3. Learn more about refugees and asylum seekers from Migration Information Source at http://www.migrationinformation.org/DataTools/asylum.cfm. Although refugees mainly have little choice where they can go, many try to seek asylum in countries that offer a safe environment. Review the tables from "How many asylum seekers are there?" to answer the following questions.
a. How has the total number of asylum applications changed since the 1980s?
b. Referring to recent years: in which region of the world are most of the countries of destination? What other regions of the world also have countries of destination? What do all of these countries have in common?
c. For the most recent year, identify the top 10 countries from which the highest number of asylum applicants originated. What do these countries have in common that might account for the large number of asylum applicants?
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