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International Law and Morality: The Alternative Approach
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Grotius on International Law
As the author of the text discusses, the growth of international law coincides with the origins of the state. A number of early theorists examined international law, one of the most famous being Dutch thinker Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), whose writings earned him the title "father of international law." This site provides background on Grotius and his thoughts on the subject.
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John Locke
The author discusses the English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) in this chapter. Locke is one of the philosophers credited with leading the naturalist movement. This movement impacted the philosophical roots of the international legal system. Locke argued that there is "a law of nature" that all people are created equal. If this sounds familiar, it is because Locke is Jefferson's inspiration for the Declaration of Independence. For many political scientists, this is one of the philosophical roots of international law. This site links you to full text versions of Two Treatises of Government (1690) and other Locke writings.
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International Court of Justice
This is a link to the International Court of Justice, as discussed in your text. The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. Its seat is at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands).
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Human Rights Library
The author lists eight important multilateral human rights treaties in this chapter. To learn more about these treaties (and others), visit this site developed at the University of Minnesota.
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Public International Law Pages
These Public International Law Pages assemble a very large collection of links related to international law topics. The faculty at the University of Western Australia gathered these links. This is an excellent place to start when researching international law issues.
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Foreign and International Law -- J.W. Long Law Library, Willamette University
These pages assemble a very large collection of links related to international law topics. The faculty at Willamette University gathered the links that are found at this page. This too is an excellent place to start when researching international law issues.
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