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Classifying Wars
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As the text indicates, wars can be classified into three categories:

    1. Unconventional warfare
    2. Conventional warfare
    3. Weapons of mass destruction warfare

  • Unconventional warfare is comprised of arms transfers, special operations, and terrorism.
  • Conventional warfare consists of large numbers of uniformed troops used in an explicit fashion.
  • Weapons of mass destruction warfare involves the use of nuclear, biological, and chemical materials as a weapon intended to kill large numbers of people.
  • Please assess the examples described below. Identify each as one of the three categories by selecting the appropriate type of warfare from the choices below.


    In response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, a coalition of armed forces led by the United States storms into Kuwait and Iraq, ejecting the invaders from the besieged nation.
    A)Unconventional warfare
    B)Conventional warfare
    C)Weapons of mass destruction warfare

    In August of 1945, the Allies made the decision that an invasion of the home islands of Japan would lead to at least a million casualties on both sides. Therefore, the Allied command decides to drop atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to bring the Second World War to a swift conclusion.
    A)Unconventional Warfare
    B)Conventional Warfare
    C)Weapons of Mass Destruction Warfare

    The United States sends fighter jets to Saudi Arabia to help defend the nation against potentially hostile neighboring countries.
    A)Unconventional Warfare
    B)Conventional Warfare
    C)Weapons of Mass Destruction Warfare

    The United States sends approximately 700 military advisors to the Philippines to help that nation battle the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group, which has been linked to the Al-Qaeda terrorist network.
    A)Unconventional Warfare
    B)Conventional Warfare
    C)Weapons of Mass Destruction Warfare

    A terrorist group takes credit for a suicide bomb in India, which kills 20 people.
    A)Unconventional Warfare
    B)Conventional Warfare
    C)Weapons of Mass Destruction Warfare

    North Korean armed forces invade South Korea and attempt to take control of the territory.
    A)Unconventional Warfare
    B)Conventional Warfare
    C)Weapons of Mass Destruction Warfare

    In its war with Iran, Iraq decides to use chemical weapons against enemy troops.
    A)Unconventional Warfare
    B)Conventional Warfare
    C)Weapons of Mass Destruction Warfare

    In response to repeated suicide bombings, the Israeli Defense Force invades the West Bank and occupies several towns.
    A)Unconventional Warfare
    B)Conventional Warfare
    C)Weapons of Mass Destruction Warfare

    In retaliation for the killing of several members of the Israeli Olympic team in 1972, Israeli agents—using covert means— systematically track down those responsible and assassinate them.
    A)Unconventional Warfare
    B)Conventional Warfare
    C)Weapons of Mass Destruction Warfare

    Navy SEALS—an elite commando unit—rescues an American hostage from a terrorist group.
    A)Unconventional Warfare
    B)Conventional Warfare
    C)Weapons of Mass Destruction Warfare

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