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National Security: The Traditional Road
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Contemporary Conflicts
The author asks you to consider the question "Why war?" As you think about this, take a look at the Federation of American Scientists' page on "The World at War". This site lists all current global conflicts.
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U.S. and Russian Policymaking with Respect to the Use of Force
The author discusses the Chechnya rebellion in this chapter of your textbook. At this site, you can find detailed information regarding the Chechen conflict.
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The Terrorism Research Center
The Terrorism Research Center is dedicated to informing the public of the phenomena of terrorism and information warfare. This site contains two sections, featuring monthly essays on current issues, as well as links to other terrorism and information warfare-related Web sites and essays. The author discusses covert operations and terrorism in this chapter. This site expands upon the excellent information provided in your textbook.
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The Conventional Arms Transfer Project
The Conventional Arms Transfer Project provides information to inform the public debate on the issue of U.S. and worldwide weapon sales. The project seeks to educate policy makers, the media, and the public about the social and security costs of arms exports. The author discusses arms transfers in this chapter. This site provides additional information to what can be found in your textbook.
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