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Taiwan is a democratic state with a free-market economic system. Beginning in 1949 with the defeat of the Nationalists on the mainland, Taiwan became the principal sanctuary for those fleeing the Communist regime. It is one of the world’s most dynamic economic powers. However, it is a tiny island off the coast of an angry China, which considers Taiwan a renegade province, as opposed to a state in its own right. The United States, for its part, has not officially recognized Taiwan as a sovereign state since 1978. This was done to ease relations with mainland China as part of an overall rapprochement. However, the United States has traditionally committed itself to the defense of Taiwan, a commitment that the current president has reiterated.

Examine the Web sites below and then express your opinion on the issues in the space provided. Your responses can be submitted to your professor if she or he requests it.


Would it be possible for Taiwan to defend itself without the help of the United States? Explain.

Would China have already invaded Taiwan if it had not been for the threat by the United States to intervene on Taiwan’s behalf? Explain.

Should the United States come to the defense of Taiwan if it suffers an invasion by China? Why or why not?

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